Particle Physics (MKEP1)

winter term 2024/2025
Lecturer: Degenkolb S, Uwer U
126 participants



Prof. Dr. S. Degenkolb
Prof. Dr. U. Uwer
(Prof. Dr. Tilman Plehn)

INF 227, HS2
Thursdays, 14:15 - 16:00,
Fridays, 14:15 - 16:00.
Lectures will start on 17 October.

Thursdays, and Fridays,
will start on 24 / 25 October

The written examination will take place on Mon, 03 Feruary 2025 at 14:00 in INF227 HS1 (tutorial groups 1-4) and HS2 (groups 5-6).

Post-exam's review will take place on Friday, 07 Feb,  14.00 (groups 1-3) and 14:45 (groups 4-6) in the Gold-Box INF 226 (ground floor).

Retry exam will take place on Monday,  14 April at 14:00.


The lecture focuses on modern experimental particle physics. It will discuss the building blocks of matter and their inteactions. 

Topics of the lecture:
General consepts in particle physics; particle detection, accelerators, 
QED Langrangian and Fenyman rules;  ee-annihilation; Weak inteaction: Wu and Goldhaber experiments; V-A structure, muon und pion decay, neutrino-quark scattering; Electroweak Lagrangian and Feynman rules; Experimental test of electroweak theory: Precision Z-Physics, sin2thetaw, atomic partity violation;Static quark modell and its predictions; Deep inelastics lepton-nucleon scattering; Introduction to QCD; Experimental tests of QCD in ee-annihilation; Neutrino oscillation and neutrino mass; Casimir force;

Topics in italic are short theory blocks.



Lecture "Introduction of the Nuclear and Particle Physics (PEP4, in German)".



F. Halzen, A.D.Martin: Quarks and Leptons (pheno)
M. Thomson, Modern Particle Physics (experiment)
D.H. Perkins: Introduction to High Energy Physics (experiment)
D. Griffiths: Introduction to Elementary Particle Physics (experiment)
I.J.R. Aitchison, A.J.G. Hey: Gauge Theories in Particle Physics (theory)
C.Itzykson, J.-B. Zuber: Quantum Field Theory (theory)
O. Nachtmann: Elementarteilchenphysik - Phänomene und Konzepte (theory, German)

Particle Data Group: The Review of Particle Physics, online



Excursion to CERN: we are organizing an excursion to CERN on 12 - 14 February 2025. We expect to leave Heidelberg by bus on Wed the 12th (around 08:00) and to return on Fri evening. It is planned to visit several of the large underground LHC experiments and the public exhibition. The participants will stay in the Geneva Youth Hostel  (in Paquis, Geneva city centre). The expected costs for travel and accommodation (breakfast included) is about 120 EUR. All other meals are not included.  Follow this link to register.

To confirm your registration an advanced payment of  60 EUR until 15 December is necessary (you will be informed by eMail). The number of participants ist limited to 42.


Summer Schools:

CERN Summer School 2025 (Application deadline is 26 January 2025)

DESY Summer School 2025 (Application deadline is 31 January 2025)

Week by week content of the lecture

UU: Prof. U. Uwer
SD: Prof. S. Degenkolb
TP: Prof. T. Plehn

Table includes links to lecture material (notes, slides).

Date     Topic                                                           Lecturer

Organisational issues

Introduction (recap PEP4)



18/10/24 Important basic concepts (recap PEP4) UU
24/10/24 1st Theory block: QED 1 TP
25/10/24 1st Theory block: QED 2 TP
31/10/24 1st Theory block: QED 3 TP
07/11/24 Particle detectors 1 UU
08/11/24 Particle detectors 2 UU
14/11/24 Accelerators UU
15/11/24 Measurement of ee-annihilation UU
21/11/24 Casimir effect SD
22/11/24 Weak interaction 1 SD
28/11/24 Weak interaction 2 SD
29/11/24 2nd Theory block: Electroweak 1 TP
05/12/24 2nd Theory block: Electroweak 2 TP

2nd Theory block: Electroweak 3.  For more details on the sigma-model please consult Prof. Plehns LHC srcipt p. 13f.


12/12/24 Neutrino scattering: script  and slides UU
13/12/24 Discovery of W and Z, Z-physics UU
19/12/24 Z-Physics, W-production, Atomic parity violation (see related review paper) UU,SD
20/12/24 Symmetries and Representations SD
09/01/25 Elastic ep-scattering and proton radius UU
10/01/25 Inelastic ep-scatteriing and proton PDFs UU
16/01/25 3rd Theory block: QCD TP
17/01/25 3rd Theory block: QCD TP
23/01/25 3rd Theory block: QCD TP
24/01/25 Experimental aspects of QCD UU
30/01/25 Neutrino masses SD
31/01/25 Neutrino mixing and 0νββ SD

Exercise sheets

Practice groups

Particle Physics (MKEP1)
winter term 2024/2025
Degenkolb S, Uwer U
126 participants