Winter Term 2024/2025
- Einführung in die Astronomie und Astrophysik I (WPAstro.1)
Vorlesung Green G, Rix H
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more information - Theoretical Astrophysics (MKTP2)
Vorlesung Bartelmann M
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more information - Cosmology (MKTP5)
Vorlesung Heisenberg L
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more information - Astronomical Techniques Compact (MVAstro1.1, MVSpec)
Vorlesung Grebel E
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more information - Introduction to Astronomy and Astrophysics (MVAstro0, MVSpec)
Vorlesung Jordan S, Pössel M
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more information - Galactic and extragalactic astronomy (Block) (MVAstro3, MVSpec)
Vorlesung Grebel E
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more information - Himmelsmechanik (MVSpec)
Vorlesung Parmentier G
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more information - Sternentstehung (MVSpec)
Vorlesung Beuther H, Henning T
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more information - Entfernungsbestimmung im Kosmos (MVSpec)
Vorlesung Wambsganß J
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more information - Small Stellar Systems (MVSpec)
Vorlesung Koch-Hansen A
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more information - Stellar Populations in Galaxies (MVSpec)
Vorlesung Pasquali A
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more information - Introduction to Numerical Relativity in Astrophysics and Cosmology (MVSpec)
Vorlesung Hujeirat A
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more information - The Stellar Cookbook: A practical guide to the theory of stars (MVSpec)
Vorlesung Röpke F, Schneider F
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more information - Gravitational Dynamics (MVSpec)
Vorlesung Dehnen W
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more information - Asteroseismology (MVSpec)
Vorlesung Hekker S
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more information - Molecular astrophysics (MVSpec)
Vorlesung Kreckel H
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more information - Introduction to GPU Accelerated Computing (MVSpec)
Vorlesung Spurzem R
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more information - Compact Object Astrophysics (MVSpec)
Vorlesung Mapelli M
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more information - The Dark Ages of the Universe (MVSpec)
Vorlesung Glover S
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more information - Black Holes in their natural habitat (MVSpec)
Vorlesung Gold R
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more information - Einführung in die Astronomie für Lehramt an Gymnasien Physik (PASTRO)
Vorlesung Liefke C, Nielbock M, Pössel M
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more information - Astronomie für Neugierige: Schwarze Löcher und Gravitationswellen
Vorlesung Gold R, Pössel M
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more information - Physik A - Mathematischer Vorkurs (PhysikA-VK)
Vorlesung Christlieb N
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more information - Physik A (PhysikA.1)
Vorlesung von Krosigk B
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more information - Experimentalphysik III - Quanten- und Atomphysik (PEP3)
Vorlesung Pernice W
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more information - Advanced Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics (MKEP3)
Vorlesung Crespo López-Urrutia J, Harman Z
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more information - Experimental Optics and Photonics (MVAMO1, MVSpec)
Vorlesung Chomaz L
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more information - Stored Charged Particles (MVSpec)
Vorlesung Blaum K
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more information - Einführung in die Biophysik (WPBP1)
Vorlesung Hausmann M
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more information - Elektronik für Physiker (UKEL1)
Vorlesung Schemmel J
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more information - Experimentelle Biophysik (MVBP1, MVSpec)
Vorlesung Schröder R
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more information - Medical Image Analysis (MVSpec)
Vorlesung Hesser J
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more information - Medical Physics 3 (MVMP3, MVSpec)
Vorlesung Hesser J, Seco J
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more information - Physik der Bildgebenden Verfahren (MVSpec)
Vorlesung Zöllner F
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more information - Biomedizinische Technik (MVSpec)
Vorlesung Zöllner F
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more information - Biomedizinische Optik (MVSpec)
Vorlesung Zöllner F
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more information - Bildgebenden Verfahren für Fortgeschrittene (MVSpec)
Vorlesung Zöllner F
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more information - Medical Physics 1 (MVMP1, MVSpec)
Vorlesung Seco J
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more information - Biophotonics II (MVSpec)
Vorlesung Petrich W
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more information - Kompaktkurs der Experimentalphysik (für Studierende der Medizin, Zahnmedizin, Pharmazie und Lehramt Biologie)
Vorlesung Reifenberger A
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more information - Mathematischer Vorkurs zum Kompaktkurs der Experimentalphysik
Vorlesung Reifenberger A
heiCO-Info more information - Experimentalphysik V - Molekülphysik und Festkörperphysik (PEP5)
Vorlesung Enss C
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more information - Electronic Correlation and Quantum Magnetism (MVSpec)
Vorlesung Klingeler R
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more information - Physik des Alltags (PDA)
Vorlesung Dullemond C
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more information - Physikdidaktische Grundlagen (PDG)
Vorlesung Welzel-Breuer M
heiCO-Info more information - Physics of the Atmosphere (MVSpec)
Vorlesung Leisner T
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more information - Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere (MVSpec)
Vorlesung Wagner T
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more information - Physics of Climate (MVEnv4, MVSpec)
Vorlesung Frank N
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more information - Block Course on Physical Limnology (MVSPEC)
Vorlesung Boehrer B
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more information - Moderne Physik III für Lehramt - Teilmodul Umweltphysik (PENVL)
Vorlesung Aeschbach W
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more information - Moderne Physik I für Lehramt (PMPL1)
Vorlesung Weidemüller M
Homepage heiCO-Info more information - Experimentalphysik I - Klassische Mechanik, Thermodynamik und Transportprozesse (PEP1)
Vorlesung Jochim S
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more information - Particle Physics (MKEP1)
Vorlesung Degenkolb S, Uwer U
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more information - Statistical Methods in Particle Physics (MVSpec)
Vorlesung Bartels F, Schultz-Coulon H, Stamen R
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more information - Accelerator Physics (MVSpec)
Vorlesung Schöning A
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more information - Physics at the LHC (MVSpec)
Vorlesung Dubla A, Dunford M, Tuci G
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more information - Mathematischer Vorkurs für Physiker/innen
Vorlesung Jäckel J, Thommes E
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more information - Theoretische Physik I - Klassische Mechanik (PTP1)
Vorlesung Schwarz U
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more information - Theoretische Physik III - Elektrodynamik (PTP3)
Vorlesung Schäfer B
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more information - Methoden der mathematischen Physik 2 (MMP2)
Vorlesung Salmhofer M
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more information - Theoretical Statistical Physics (MKTP1)
Vorlesung Bereau T
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more information - Quantum Field Theory I (MKTP4)
Vorlesung Berges J
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more information - Machine Learning and Physics (MKTP6)
Vorlesung Hamprecht F
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more information - Condensed Matter Theory 1 (MVTheoCM1, MVSpec)
Vorlesung Haverkort M, Schmidt R
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more information - Standard Model of Particle Physics II (MVSpec)
Vorlesung Lindner M, Rodejohann W
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more information - String Theory (MVSPec)
Vorlesung Hebecker A
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more information - Quantum gravity and the Renormalization Group (MVSpec)
Vorlesung Eichhorn A
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more information - Introduction to Nonequilibrium Physics (MVSpec)
Vorlesung Ziebert F
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more information - Advanced Statistical Physics (MVSpec)
Vorlesung Enss T
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more information - Ultralight axions, Yang-Mills thermodynamics, and the Fuzzy Dark Matter paradigm (MVSpec)
Vorlesung Hofmann R
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more information - QCD (MVSpec)
Vorlesung Pawlowski J, Plehn T
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more information - Physics Beyond the Standard Model (MVSpec)
Vorlesung Goertz F
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more information - Large-scale structure (MVSpec)
Vorlesung Amendola L
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more information - EFT and Simplified Model for Dark Matter (MVSpec)
Vorlesung Arcadi G
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more information - Einführung in die Datenanalyse mit dem C++ Toolkit ROOT
Vorlesung Marks J
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more information - Fundamentals of Simulation Methods (MVComp1, MVSpec)
Vorlesung Dullemond C, Mapelli M
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more information - Computational Molecular Biophysics (MVSpec)
Vorlesung Gräter F, Wade R
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more information - Applied combinatorial optimization (MVSpec)
Vorlesung Savchynskyy B
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more information - Computer Vision (MVSpec)
Vorlesung Rother C
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more information - Dynamical systems theory in machine learning (MVSpec)
Vorlesung Durstewitz D
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