Experimental Optics and Photonics (MVAMO1, MVSpec)
Lecturer: Chomaz L
51 participants
This lecture covers both fundamental and applied aspects of optical phenomena that are primarily relevant to modern science. Our description will be based first on a classical and then on a quantum description of radiation, matter and their interactions. Connections to ongoing fundamental research as well as to the rapidly growing field of quantum technologies will be illustrated.The lecture is complementary to the lecture "Advanced Atomic and Molecular Physics" and the course "Experimental Methods in Atomic and Molecular Physics", which are offered in the winter and summer semesters, respectively. No previous knowledge of these lectures is required. Instead, basic knowledge in electromagnetism and quantum physics is needed.
Basic knowledge in electromagnetism and quantum physics is required.
- B.E.A. Saleh, M.C. Teich: Fundamentals of Photonics (3rd edition, Wiley, 2019)
- G. Grynberg, A. Aspect, C. Fabre : Introduction to quantum optics: from the semi-classical approach to quantized light (Cambridge university press, 2010)
- Lecture1_Intro_print.pdf
- Lecture3_all.pdf
- Lecture3_withHoles.pdf
- Lecture4_full.pdf
- Lecture4_withHoles.pdf
- Lecture1_Full_print.pdf
- Lecture4_quiz.pptx
- Lecture1_With_Holes_print.pdf
- Lecture2_Full_print.pdf
- Lecture2_With_Holes_print.pdf
- Lecture1_Quiz.pptx
- Lecture3_quiz.pptx
- Lecture5_full.pdf
- Lecture5_withHoles.pdf
- Lecture2_Quiz_actual.pptx
- Lecture6_full.pdf
- Lecture6_withholes.pdf
- Lecture5_quiz.pptx
- Lecture7Full.pdf
- Lecture7_withHoles.pdf
- Lecture6_quiz.pptx
- Lecture7_quiz.pptx
- Lecture8_full.pdf
- Lecture8_litterature_Introduction_to_Quantum_Optics_QuantumLight.pdf
- Lecture9full.pdf
- Lecture8_quiz.pptx
- Lecture8_with_holes.pdf
- Lecture9withHoles.pdf
- Lecture10_full.pdf
- Lecture10_withHoles.pdf
- Lecture10_quiz.pptx
- Lecture9_quiz.pptx
- Lecture10_litterature__Introduction_to_Quantum_Optics.pdf
- Lecture11_full.pdf
- Lecture11_withHoles.pdf
- Lecture11_quiz.pptx
- Lecture12_Full.pdf
- Lecture12_withHoles.pdf
- Lecture12_quiz.pptx
Exercise sheets
- ExerciceSheet 2
- ExerciceSheet 3
- ExerciseSheet 1
- ExerciseSheet 4
- ExerciseSheet 5
- ExerciseSheet 6
- ExerciseSheet 7
- ExerciseSheet 8
- ExerciseSheet 9
- ExerciseSheet10
- ExerciseSheet11
Practice groups
- Group 1 (Lauriane Marie Aurelie Chomaz)
51 participants
- Siehe Anmerkung, Fri 11:00 - 12:00