Physics at the LHC (MVSpec)

winter term 2024/2025
Lecturer: Dubla A, Dunford M, Tuci G
14 participants

PrivDoz. Dr. Andrea Dubla (AD)


Dr. Giulia Tuci (GT)


Prof. Dr. Monica Dunford (MD)



INF 226 Goldbox K1, Friday 11:00-13:00h, 

Jurnal Club:
INF 226 Goldbox K1, Wednesday 11:00-13:00h, 


In this lecture we present detector technologies employed by three high-energy physics experiments at the Large Hadron Collider.

We will discuss recent physics results on


  • Quark-gluon plasma, hot QCD matter
  • CP-violation, lepton flavour universality
  • Higgs physics and hadron jet and high-p


  The lecture course will also include a journal club showcasing some of the experiments most cited papers


18.10.2024 Introduction to LHC and heavy-ion physics AD
25.10.2024 The Quark-Gluon Plasma QGP and the ALICE experiment AD
08.11.2024 Bulk properties AD
15.11.2024 Hard probes (heavy-flavour) AD
22.11.2024 Hadronisation AD
29.11.2024 Flavour physics at the LHCb experiment GT
06.12.2024 Mixing and CP violation GT
13.12.2024 Mixing and CP violation GT
20.12.2024 Lepton flavour universality tests GT
10.01.2024 Semileptonic decays GT
17.01.2024 Higgs Physics  MD
24.01.2024 Jets MD

Practice groups

  • Group Standardgruppe (Andrea Dubla, Monica Dunford, Giulia Tuci)
    14 participants
    - Siehe Anmerkung, Fri 11:00 - 13:00
  • Group Journal Club (Andrea Dubla, Monica Dunford, Giulia Tuci)
    0 participants
    - Siehe Anmerkung, Tue 14:00 - 16:00
Physics at the LHC (MVSpec)
winter term 2024/2025
Dubla A, Dunford M, Tuci G
14 participants