Fakultät > Vorlesungen > Wintersemester 2024/2025 > The Stellar Cookbook: A practical guide to the theory of stars (MVSpec)
The Stellar Cookbook: A practical guide to the theory of stars (MVSpec)
Wintersemester 2024/2025
Dozent: Prof. Dr. Friedrich Röpke, Dr. Fabian Schneider
11 Teilnehmer/innen
Dozent: Prof. Dr. Friedrich Röpke, Dr. Fabian Schneider
11 Teilnehmer/innen
The "Stellar Cookbook" course consists of two parts: In the first half of the semester, we will cover the theoretical background of stellar evolution in blackboard-style lectures. Starting in December, we will switch to lab-course style where the participants run own stellar evolution simulations.
- 00.Mesa_Installation.pdf
- 00.mesa_installation.zip
- cookbook_intro.pdf
- cookbook_theory.pdf
- 02.equation-of-state.zip
- 01.polytropes.zip
- lecture-notebooks.zip
- 09.hydrogen-shell-burning.zip
- 10.core-helium_burning.zip
- 11.agb-stars.zip
- 12.massive-stars-episode-i.zip
- 13.massive-stars-episode-ii.zip
- 14.advanced-stellar-evolution_rotation.zip
- 15.student_project.zip
- 03.schematic-stellar-evolution.zip
- WS24_cookbook_supernovae.pdf
- 04.henyey_method_and_mesa.zip
- 05.pre_main_sequence.zip
- 06.zero-age_main-sequence.zip
- Student_report.pdf
- 07.main-sequence_evolution.zip
- Gruppe Standardgruppe (Friedrich Röpke, Fabian Schneider)
11 Teilnehmer/innen
Phil 12 105, Di 14:00 - 16:00