Winter Term 2017/2018
Department for Physics and Astronomie
- PEP IV Exkursion ans CERN, 20./21.02.2018 (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Johanna Stachel
Allgemeine Veranstaltungen [AV]
Bachelor of Science Physik [B]
Pflichtkurse Physik [BP]
- Experimentalphysik I (PEP1) (WS 17/18)
- Experimentalphysik III (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Markus Oberthaler <LSF>
- Experimentalphysik V (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. R. Klingeler <LSF>
- Theoretische Physik I (klassische Mechanik) (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Prof. L. Amendola <LSF>
- Theoretische Physik III (Elektrodynamik) (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Prof. B.M. Schäfer <LSF>
- Die Physik der interstellaren Raumfahrt (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Bailer-Jones <LSF> Seminar
- Moderne Techniken der Teilchenphysik (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Herrmann, Sefkow <LSF> Seminar
- Schlüsselexperimente der Teilchenphysik (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Stachel Bachmann Pachmayer <LSF> Seminar
- Physik der Planetenentstehung (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Klahr <LSF> Seminar
- Seminar: Mechanik (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Mielke <LSF>
Wahlbereich Physik [BW]
- Python: programming for scientists, group 1 (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Schmidt <LSF>
- Python: programming for scientists, group 2 (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Kruijssen <LSF>
- Python: programming for scientists, group 3 (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Christlieb <LSF>
- Python: programming for scientists, group 4 (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Kromer <LSF>
- Python: programming for scientists, group 5 (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Ludwig <LSF>
- Python: programming for scientists, group 6 (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Hundertmark <LSF>
- Statistical Methods in Particle Physics (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Reygers <LSF>
- Advanced Nanotechnologies (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Na Liu <LSF>
- Surfaces and Nanostructures (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Pucci <LSF>
- Umweltphysik (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Frank Frieß Pfeilsticker Balschbach Janssen <LSF>
- Einführung in die Astronomie und Astrophysik I (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Dullemond <LSF>
- Introduction to GPU Accelerated Computing (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Spurzem <LSF>
- Biophotonics I (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Petrich <LSF>
- Observations of Extrasolar Planets (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Quirrenbach Reffert <LSF> Seminar
Astronomie und Astrophysik [BWA]
- Python: programming for scientists, group 1 (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Schmidt <LSF>
- Python: programming for scientists, group 2 (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Kruijssen <LSF>
- Python: programming for scientists, group 3 (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Christlieb <LSF>
- Python: programming for scientists, group 4 (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Kromer <LSF>
- Python: programming for scientists, group 5 (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Ludwig <LSF>
- Python: programming for scientists, group 6 (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Hundertmark <LSF>
- Einführung in die Astronomie und Astrophysik I (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Dullemond <LSF>
- Introduction to GPU Accelerated Computing (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Spurzem <LSF>
- Observations of Extrasolar Planets (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Quirrenbach Reffert <LSF> Seminar
Atom-, Molekül- und optische Physik [BWO]
- Biophotonics I (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Petrich <LSF>
Bio- und Medizinische Physik [BWB]
- Biophotonics I (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Petrich <LSF>
(Elementar-) Teilchenphysik [BWE]
- Statistical Methods in Particle Physics (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Reygers <LSF>
Physik der kondensierten Materie [BWK]
- Advanced Nanotechnologies (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Na Liu <LSF>
- Surfaces and Nanostructures (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Pucci <LSF>
Theoretische Physik [BWT]
Umweltphysik [BWU]
- Umweltphysik (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Frank Frieß Pfeilsticker Balschbach Janssen <LSF>
Überfachliche Kompetenzen [BUK]
- Python: programming for scientists, group 1 (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Schmidt <LSF>
- Python: programming for scientists, group 2 (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Kruijssen <LSF>
- Python: programming for scientists, group 4 (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Kromer <LSF>
- Python: programming for scientists, group 5 (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Ludwig <LSF>
- Python: programming for scientists, group 6 (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Hundertmark <LSF>
- Einführung in die Datenanalyse mit dem C++ Toolkit ROOT (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Marks <LSF>
- Python: programming for scientists, group 3 (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Christlieb <LSF>
- Mathematischer Vorkurs für Physiker (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Weigand, Thommes, Flörchinger <LSF>
- Elektronik für Physiker (WS 17/18)
- Mathematische Methoden in der Physik I (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Mihaila <LSF>
- Introduction to GPU Accelerated Computing (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Spurzem <LSF>
- Numerisches Praktikum (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Klahr <LSF>
Vertiefung Lehramt an Gymnasien [L]
- Theoretische Physik I (klassische Mechanik) (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Prof. L. Amendola <LSF>
- Fachdidaktik Physik (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Hofmann <LSF> Seminar
- Methodik des Physikunterrichts (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Müller <LSF>
- Mathematische Methoden in der Physik I (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Mihaila <LSF>
Master of Science Physics [M]
Core Courses [MW]
- Dynamics of galaxies, star clusters and planetary systems (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Spurzem Just <LSF> Seminar
- Theoretical Astrophysics (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Röpke Kromer <LSF>
- Quantum Simulation (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Oberthaler <LSF> Seminar
- Cosmology (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Prof. Bartelmann <LSF>
- Scientific results from the Gaia mission (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Jordan <LSF>
- Particle tracking and identification at high rates (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Schöning Masciocchi <LSF> Seminar
- Looking for the invisible: Searches for Dark Matter (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Uwer, Gastaldo, Lindner <LSF> Seminar
- Theoretical Statistical Physics (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Prof. U. Schwarz <LSF>
- Quantum Field Theory I (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Prof. J. Berges <LSF>
- Advanced Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Selim Jochim <LSF>
- Umweltphysik (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Frank Frieß Pfeilsticker Balschbach Janssen <LSF>
- Particle Physics (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Dunford <LSF>
Specialisation in Physics [MV]
- Theory of Ultracold Atoms (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: T. Enss <LSF>
- Surfaces and Nanostructures (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Pucci <LSF>
- Advanced Nanotechnologies (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Na Liu <LSF>
- Statistical Methods in Particle Physics (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Reygers <LSF>
- Hydrodynamik (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Wolschin <LSF>
- Stored Charged Particles (WS 17/18)
- Introduction to Astronomy and Astrophysics (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Jordan Just <LSF>
- Python: programming for scientists, group 1 (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Schmidt <LSF>
- Python: programming for scientists, group 2 (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Kruijssen <LSF>
- Python: programming for scientists, group 3 (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Christlieb <LSF>
- Python: programming for scientists, group 4 (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Kromer <LSF>
- Python: programming for scientists, group 5 (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Ludwig <LSF>
- Python: programming for scientists, group 6 (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Hundertmark <LSF>
- Particle tracking and identification at high rates (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Schöning Masciocchi <LSF> Seminar
- Looking for the invisible: Searches for Dark Matter (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Uwer, Gastaldo, Lindner <LSF> Seminar
- Introduction to GPU Accelerated Computing (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Spurzem <LSF>
- Physics and Applications of Low Temperature Detectors (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Gastaldo <LSF>
- Computational Quantum Dynamics (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Haverkort Bauke <LSF>
- Biophotonics I (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Petrich <LSF>
- QCD (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Plehn Pawlowski <LSF>
- Theoretical quantum optics (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Evers <LSF>
- Accelerator Physics (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Litvinov <LSF>
- Spektroskopische Beobachtungen am Teleskop (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Reffert <LSF>
- Condensed Matter Theory (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Prof. M. W. Haverkort <LSF>
- Quantum particles and fields on the lattice (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Rothkopf <LSF>
- Going Beyond the Standard Model of Particle Physics (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Goertz <LSF>
- Going Beyond the Standard Model of Particle Physics (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Goertz <LSF>
- Experimental Optics and Photonics (WS 17/18)
- Experimental Optics and Photonics (WS 17/18)
- Stellar Astrophysics (Block) (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Jordan Klessen <LSF>
- Observations of Extrasolar Planets (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Quirrenbach Reffert <LSF> Seminar
Astronomy and Astrophysics [MVA]
- Introduction to Astronomy and Astrophysics (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Jordan Just <LSF>
- Python: programming for scientists, group 1 (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Schmidt <LSF>
- Python: programming for scientists, group 2 (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Kruijssen <LSF>
- Python: programming for scientists, group 3 (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Christlieb <LSF>
- Python: programming for scientists, group 4 (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Kromer <LSF>
- Python: programming for scientists, group 5 (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Ludwig <LSF>
- Python: programming for scientists, group 6 (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Hundertmark <LSF>
- Spektroskopische Beobachtungen am Teleskop (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Reffert <LSF>
- Introduction to GPU Accelerated Computing (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Spurzem <LSF>
- Stellar Astrophysics (Block) (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Jordan Klessen <LSF>
- Observations of Extrasolar Planets (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Quirrenbach Reffert <LSF> Seminar
Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics [MVO]
- Stored Charged Particles (WS 17/18)
- Theory of Ultracold Atoms (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: T. Enss <LSF>
- Theoretical quantum optics (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Evers <LSF>
- Computational Quantum Dynamics (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Haverkort Bauke <LSF>
- Biophotonics I (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Petrich <LSF>
- Experimental Optics and Photonics (WS 17/18)
Bio- and Medical Physics [MVB]
- Biophotonics I (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Petrich <LSF>
- Experimental Optics and Photonics (WS 17/18)
Computational Physics [MVX]
- Introduction to GPU Accelerated Computing (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Spurzem <LSF>
Condensed Matter Physics [MVC]
- Advanced Nanotechnologies (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Na Liu <LSF>
- Surfaces and Nanostructures (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Pucci <LSF>
- Condensed Matter Theory (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Prof. M. W. Haverkort <LSF>
- Physics and Applications of Low Temperature Detectors (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Gastaldo <LSF>
Environmental Physics [MVU]
Particle Physics [MVP]
- Statistical Methods in Particle Physics (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Reygers <LSF>
- Particle tracking and identification at high rates (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Schöning Masciocchi <LSF> Seminar
- Looking for the invisible: Searches for Dark Matter (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Uwer, Gastaldo, Lindner <LSF> Seminar
- Accelerator Physics (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Litvinov <LSF>
- Going Beyond the Standard Model of Particle Physics (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Goertz <LSF>
Theoretical Physics [MVT]
- Hydrodynamik (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Wolschin <LSF>
- Theory of Ultracold Atoms (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: T. Enss <LSF>
- Quantum particles and fields on the lattice (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Rothkopf <LSF>
- Condensed Matter Theory (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Prof. M. W. Haverkort <LSF>
- Theoretical quantum optics (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Evers <LSF>
- QCD (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Plehn Pawlowski <LSF>
- Computational Quantum Dynamics (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Haverkort Bauke <LSF>
- Going Beyond the Standard Model of Particle Physics (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Goertz <LSF>
Transferable Skills Education [MUK]
- Python: programming for scientists, group 1 (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Schmidt <LSF>
- Python: programming for scientists, group 2 (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Kruijssen <LSF>
- Python: programming for scientists, group 3 (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Christlieb <LSF>
- Python: programming for scientists, group 4 (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Kromer <LSF>
- Python: programming for scientists, group 5 (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Ludwig <LSF>
- Python: programming for scientists, group 6 (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Hundertmark <LSF>
- Elektronik für Physiker (WS 17/18)
- Introduction to GPU Accelerated Computing (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Spurzem <LSF>
- Numerisches Praktikum (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Klahr <LSF>
Graduate Education [G] (HGSFP, IMPRS-HD, IMPRS-PTFS, IMPRS-QD)
Astronomy and Cosmic Physics [GA]
- Introduction to Astronomy and Astrophysics (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Jordan Just <LSF>
- Theoretical Astrophysics (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Röpke Kromer <LSF>
- Cosmology (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Prof. Bartelmann <LSF>
- Introduction to GPU Accelerated Computing (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Spurzem <LSF>
- Stellar Astrophysics (Block) (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Jordan Klessen <LSF>
Common Colloquia, Seminars and Lectures [GC]
- Quantum Field Theory I (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Prof. J. Berges <LSF>
Complex Classical Systems [GK]
Environmental Physics [GE]
- Umweltphysik (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Frank Frieß Pfeilsticker Balschbach Janssen <LSF>
Mathematical Physics [GM]
- Quantum Field Theory I (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Prof. J. Berges <LSF>
Particle Physics and Cosmology [GP]
- Hydrodynamik (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Wolschin <LSF>
- Statistical Methods in Particle Physics (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Reygers <LSF>
- Quantum Field Theory I (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Prof. J. Berges <LSF>
- Quantum particles and fields on the lattice (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Rothkopf <LSF>
- Accelerator Physics (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Litvinov <LSF>
- Theoretical quantum optics (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Evers <LSF>
- QCD (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Plehn Pawlowski <LSF>
- Computational Quantum Dynamics (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Haverkort Bauke <LSF>
- Going Beyond the Standard Model of Particle Physics (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Goertz <LSF>
Quantum Dynamics and Complex Quantum Systems [GQ]
- Advanced Nanotechnologies (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Na Liu <LSF>
- Surfaces and Nanostructures (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Pucci <LSF>
- Theory of Ultracold Atoms (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: T. Enss <LSF>
- Condensed Matter Theory (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Prof. M. W. Haverkort <LSF>
- Physics and Applications of Low Temperature Detectors (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Gastaldo <LSF>
Master-Studiengang Technische Informatik [TI]
Veranstaltungen für Nebenfachstudierende [N]
- Physik A (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Christlieb <LSF>
Faculty of Chemistry and Earth Sciences
- Einführung in die Physikalische Chemie I (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Herten
- Mathematik für Naturwissenschaftler I (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Prof. Gutheil
- Statistische Theorie der Materie (PC-Z1) (WS 17/18)
Lecturer: Dahint
summer term 2017
Winter Term 2017/2018
Summer Term 2018
Winter term 2018/2019
Summer Term 2019
Winter Term 2019/2020
Summer Term 2020
Winter Term 2020/2021
Summer Term 2021
Winter Term 2021/2022
Summer Term 2022
Winter Term 2022/2023
Summer Term 2023
Winter term 2023/2024
Summer Term 2024
Winter Term 2024/2025
Summer Term 2025
Winter Term 2017/2018
Summer Term 2018
Winter term 2018/2019
Summer Term 2019
Winter Term 2019/2020
Summer Term 2020
Winter Term 2020/2021
Summer Term 2021
Winter Term 2021/2022
Summer Term 2022
Winter Term 2022/2023
Summer Term 2023
Winter term 2023/2024
Summer Term 2024
Winter Term 2024/2025
Summer Term 2025