Standard Model of Particle Physics
The course will cover the Standard Model of Particle Physics from the theoretical and experimental perspective.
The gauge theories of electroweak and strong interactions and their experimental tests will be described.
The current status of the Standard Model and some directions for searches of beyond the Standard Model physics are discussed.
Table of contents
- Introduction to gauge theories and QED
- Experimental Tests of QED
- Electroweak interaction
- Experimental Tests of EW-theory
- Strong interaction and QCD
- Experimental Tests of QCD
- Flavour structure of the SM
- Brout-Englert-Higgs mechanism
- Higgs properties
- High precision tests of the Standard Model at colliders
- Test of the Flavor Sector
- Searches for the new Physics
Times & Locations
Wednesday 11:15 to 13:00 at INF 308 / HS 2
Friday 09:15 to 11:00 at INF 308 / HS 2
List of Lectures
Date | Topic | Lecturer |
20.04.16 | Gauge Theory | LM |
22.04.16 | Gauge Theory | LM |
27.04.16 | Gauge Theory | LM |
29.04.16 | QED Tests | AS |
04.05.16 | QED Tests | AS |
06.05.16 | Weak Lepton Sector | MB |
11.05.16 | EW Tests | AS |
13.05.16 | EW Tests | AS |
18.05.16 | QCD | LM |
20.05.16 | QCD | LM |
25.05.16 | QCD | LM |
27.05.16 | Modelling QCD | AS |
01.06.16 | QCD Tests | AS |
03.06.16 | BEH Mechanism | LM |
08.06.16 | SM Tests at LEP | AS |
10.06.16 | Flavor Structure | MB |
15.06.16 | SM Tests at LEP | AS |
17.06.16 | B-Factories | AS |
22.06.16 | W-Z coupling, Anomalies | LM |
24.06.16 | Higgs properties | MB |
29.06.16 | Higgs discovery | AS |
01.07.16 | Higgs Properties II | MB |
06.07.16 | Higgs Properties | CA |
08.07.16 | ausgefallen | AS |
13.07.16 | Beyond the SM | MB |
15.07.16 | Searches for New Physics at Colliders | AS |
20.07.16 | Searches for New Physics at low energies (theo) | MB |
22.07.16 | Searches for New Physics at low energies (exp) | AS |
AS: Prof. Dr. A. Schöning
LM: PD Dr. L. Mihaila
MB: Dr. M. Bauer
CA: Dr. Christoph Anders
- Gruppe 1 (Nikolai Zerf)
22 Teilnehmer/innen
INF 227 / SR 3.403, Di 14:15 - 16:00 - Gruppe 2 (Nishita Desai)
20 Teilnehmer/innen
INF 227 / SR 2.403, Mi 14:15 - 16:00
There will be no written exams.
For a succesful participation a student has to complete the following checklist:
- accumulate 60% of the total number of points from all excercise sheets
- present at least two solutions during the practice sessions live in front of the black board
Peskin, Schroeder: An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory Addison Wesley Aitchison, Hey: Gauge Theories in Particle Physics, Vol. 1 Bjorken, Drell: Relativistische Quantenfeldtheorie/Quantenmechanik, BI Wissenschaftsverlag Itzykson, Zuber: Quantum Field Theory, McGraw-HillStandard Model Aitchison, Hey: Gauge Theories in Particle Physics O. Nachtmann: Elementarteilchenphysik. Phaenomene und Konzepte, Springer T. Plehn: Lectures on LHC Physics, Springer