The Physics of Particle Detectors (MVHE2, MVSpec)

summer term 2024
Lecturer: Silvia Masciocchi (
26 participants

The Physics of Particle Detectors

Lecture and Journal Club
SS 2024

Prof. Dr. Silvia Masciocchi
PD Dr. Felix Sefkow

Lectures on Mondays 11:15 - 13:00
INF227 3.402

Journal Club on Fridays 14:15 - 16:00
NEW: INF226 glass box (first floor, room K4)



Focus of the lecture is the physics and the layout of detector components used in modern particle physics experiments.

After understanding the interaction of radiation with matter, we will study how different materials and technologies are employed to measure charged and neutral particles. The working principles of gas and semiconductor detectors, of scintillators, calorimeters and other devices will be discussed. We will learn how different detectors can be employed to measure various properties of particles, such as position, momentum, energy, velocity, identity, etc. We will also see how different technologies are combined in general purpuse particle physics experiments, and how solutions are developed for specific applications.

Particle detectors enabled discoveries through decades of physics research, and they allow us to learn about the smallest, the hottest, the coldest, the most fundamental constituents of matter.



The lectures will be held in INF 227 (KIP), room 3.402 on Mondays, 11:15 - 13:00.


15.04.2024 General introduction Slides, shared-sheet
22.04.2024 Interaction of radiation with matter - part 1 Slides
29.04.2024 Interaction of radiation with matter - part 2 Slides
06.05.2024 Gas detectors - part 1 Slides
13.05.2024 Gas detectors - part 2 Slides, ALICE TPC

Semiconductor sensors - part 1

27.05.2024 Semiconductor sensors - part 2 Slides
03.06.2024 Semiconductor sensors - part 3 Slides


Slides Recording (2021)
17.06.2024 Light detection + Magnetic spectrometers Slides Recording (2021)
24.06.2024 Electro-magnetic calorimeters Slides
01.07.2024 Hadron calorimeters + Trigger Slides
08.07.2024 Full experiment(s), trigger. My team's work in ALICE Slides



Week for you to learn :-)


Written exam (10:00 Golden Box, PI)


Journal Club

The journal club takes place in INF 226 (PI) in the Glassbox (first floor, room K4) on Fridays, 2:15-4 PM.



19.04.2024 General organization and distribution of topics Felix, Silvia, Bogdan  
26.04.2024 Hadron therapy Betto, Thiery, Mukherjee, Strecker Silvia
03.05.2024 Particle identification (PID) using cluster counting Himbert, Hoffmann, Viol, Quicker Felix
10.05.2024 GEMs - Gas Electron Multipliers Mukherjee, Schlotzer, Tanga, Cravan Bogdan
17.05.2024 TPC & space charge distortions Zhao, Quicker, Weinreich, Varma Pascal
24.05.2024 Time of Flight (ToF) with Belle2 Zachou, Michel, Enderich, Schwartze Pascal
31.05.2024 Tracking particles with Belle2 Himbert, Hoffmann, Kurth, Zhao Bogdan
07.06.2024 Quantum sensors - micro calorimetry with ECHO Ehrmaier, Ludwig, Rao, Thiery Felix
14.06.2024 Pixel sensors Strecker, Schlötzer, Cravan, Stewing, Ludwig Bogdan
21.06.2024 Fast scintillation Zachou, Michel, Enderich, Weinreich Silvia
28.06.2024 Silicon Photomultipliers (SiPMs) Mühlnikel,  Haas, Welschoff, Stewing Pascal
05.07.2024 Liquid Nobel Calorimetry (MEG2) Schwartze, Welschoff, Ehrmaier Felix
12.07.2024 Particle flow calorimetry Rao, Mühlnikel, Betto, Kurth Felix
19.07.2024 The Analogue Hadron Calorimeter (AHCAL) of CALICE Tanga, Viol, Varma, Haas Felix




H.Kolanoski, N.Wermes: Particle Detectors, Oxford. Link UB (English), Link UB (German)

K.Kleinknecht: Detectors for Particle Radiation, Cambridge

W.R.Leo: Techniques for Nuclear and Particle Physics Experiments, Springer

T.Ferbel, Experimental Techniques in High Energy Physics

F.Sauli, Instrumentation in High Energy Physics, World Scientific

C.W.Fabjan and J.E.Pilcher, Instrumentation in Elementary Particle Physics, World Scientific

R.Wigmans: Calorimetry: Energy Measurement in Particle Physics, Clarendon Press

W.Blum und L.Rolandi, Particle Detection with Drift Chambers, Springer


Lectures on Particle Detectors:

 The Physics of Particle Detectors (SS2023)

 The Physics of Particle Detectors (SS2022)


Further links:

 Review of Particle Physics

 SLAC Online Particle Physics Information

Practice groups

The Physics of Particle Detectors (MVHE2, MVSpec)
summer term 2024
Silvia Masciocchi
26 participants