Summer Term 2024
- Einführung in das Virtuelle Observatorium (VO): Konzepte, Sprachen, Anwendungen (MVSpec)
Vorlesung Demleitner M, Wambsganß J
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more information - Physik der interstellaren Raumfahrt (MVSpec)
Vorlesung Bailer-Jones C
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more information - Molecular astrophysics (MVSpec)
Vorlesung(Semenov, Dmitry), 130000.100
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more information - Cell Biophysics (MVSpec)
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more information - Radiation Biophysics 1 (MVSpec)
Vorlesung Falk M
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more information - Radiation Biophysics 2 (MVSpec)
Vorlesung Falk M
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more information - Low Temperature Physics (MVCMP1, MVSpec)
Vorlesung Enss C, Fleischmann A
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more information - Radiative transfer in the Earth's atmosphere (MVSpec)
Vorlesung Butz A, Landgraf J
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more information - Studying the carbon cycle and anthropogenic disturbances (HGSFP Summer School)
Vorlesung Vardag S
heiCO-Info more information - Modern Aspects of Nuclear Physics (MVSpec)
Vorlesung Stachel J, Wimmer K
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more information - Experimentelle Methoden in der Astroteilchenphysik II (MVSpec)
Vorlesung Gastaldo L, Marrodán Undagoitia T
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more information - Standard Model of Particle Physics (MVHE3, MVSpec)
Vorlesung Degenkolb S, Ewerz C, Uwer U
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more information - Nonlinear Dynamics and Pattern Formation (MVSpec)
Vorlesung Ziebert F
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more information - Non-perturbative aspects of gauge theories (MVSpec)
Vorlesung Pawlowski J
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more information - Advanced Dark Matter (MVSpec)
Vorlesung Arcadi G
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more information - Geometric Machine Learning in Quantum Chemistry (MVSpec)
Vorlesung Hamprecht F
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more information - Machine Learning Essentials (MVSpec)
Vorlesung Köthe U
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more information - Übungen zum Praktikum für Mediziner und Zahnmediziner
Übung Hausmann M
heiCO-Info more information - Schülerinnen- und Schülertag 2024
Sonstige Lehrver Hausmann M
heiCO-Info more information - Nobelpreise für die Astrophysik (PSem)
Seminar Quirrenbach A
Homepage heiCO-Info more information - Protoplanetare Scheiben und Planetenentstehung (PSem)
Seminar Dullemond C
heiCO-Info more information - Dynamics of stellar systems (MVSem)
Seminar Dehnen W, Mapelli M
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more information - Galactic and Extragalactic Astronomy - Seminar (MVAstro3.2)
Seminar Grebel E
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more information - Stellar Astrophysics - Seminar (MVAstro2.2)
Seminar Jordan S, Klessen R
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more information - Astrophysics of Cosmic High Energy Sources (MVRS)
Seminar Rieger F
heiCO-Info more information - Physics of Star Formation (OberSem)
Seminar(T. Henning), 130000.100
heiCO-Info more information - Galaxy Evolution and AGN - GALENA (OberSem)
Seminar Wylezalek D
heiCO-Info more information - Advanced seminar on current research topics (IMPRS 3)
Seminar Fendt C, Ludwig H
heiCO-Info more information - Einführung in die Astronomie und Astrophysik II (tutor sem.)
Seminar Dehnen W, Wylezalek D
heiCO-Info more information - Vorbesprechung Rechenübungen Physik B
Seminar Rothmaier F, von Krosigk B
heiCO-Info more information - Key experiments in quantum science and technology with photons, ions and atoms (MVSem)
Seminar Chomaz L, Sturm S
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more information - Journal Club - Gruppe (MVRS)
Seminar Jochim S
heiCO-Info more information - Bose-Einstein Condensate Journal Club (MVRS)
Seminar Oberthaler M, Strobel H
heiCO-Info more information - Journal Club - Gruppe Pfeifer (MVRS)
Seminar Pfeifer T
heiCO-Info more information - Journal Club - Gruppe Rydberg (MVRS)
Seminar Weidemüller M, Zürn G
heiCO-Info more information - Journal Club - Gruppe Chomaz (MVRS)
Seminar Chomaz L
heiCO-Info more information - Neuromorphic Photonics (MVSem)
Seminar Pernice W
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more information - Oberseminar: Ultracold Fermi Systems (OberSem)
Seminar Jochim S
heiCO-Info more information - Oberseminar: Synthetic Quantum Systems (OberSem)
Seminar Oberthaler M
heiCO-Info more information - Oberseminar: Experimental Methods in Atom Optics (OberSem)
Seminar Oberthaler M
heiCO-Info more information - Oberseminar: Few-body Quantum-Dynamics and Control (OberSem)
Seminar Moshammer R
heiCO-Info more information - Oberseminar: Quantum Dynamics of Atomic and Molecular Systems (OberSem)
Seminar Weidemüller M, Zürn G
heiCO-Info more information - Oberseminar: Experimental Methods for Quantum Dynamics and Ultracold Atom Experiments (OberSem)
Seminar Weidemüller M, Zürn G
heiCO-Info more information - Oberseminar: Atomphysik-Seminar (OberSem)
Seminar Quint W
heiCO-Info more information - Oberseminar: Physics with Stored and Cooled Ions (OberSem)
Seminar Blaum K
heiCO-Info more information - Oberseminar: Quantum Fluids (OberSem)
Seminar Chomaz L
heiCO-Info more information - Oberseminar: Advanced Integrated Optics (MVRS)
Seminar Pernice W
heiCO-Info more information - Aktuelle Themen der Strahlenbiophysik (PSem)
Seminar Falk M, Hausmann M
heiCO-Info more information - Spezielle Probleme der experimentellen Biophysik (OberSem)
Seminar Falk M, Hausmann M
heiCO-Info more information - Journal Club about biophysics of chromatin and DNA (OberSem)
Seminar Falk M, Hausmann M
heiCO-Info more information - Oberseminar zu MVCMP1 Tutorien
Seminar Fleischmann A
heiCO-Info more information - Oberseminar: Research Seminar on Organic Electronics (OberSem)
Seminar Kemerink M
heiCO-Info more information - Oberseminar: Journal Club on Organic Materials and Devices (OberSem)
Seminar Göhler E, Scheunemann D
heiCO-Info more information - Klimaphysik meets Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung (PSem)
Seminar Aeschbach N, Aeschbach W
Homepage heiCO-Info more information - Seminar zum Physikalisches Praktikum für Fortgeschrittene II
Seminar Marks J
heiCO-Info more information - Seminar zum Physikalisches Praktikum für Fortgeschrittene II
Seminar Herrmann N
heiCO-Info more information - Seminar zum Physikalisches Praktikum für Fortgeschrittene II
Seminar Reiser A
heiCO-Info more information - Seminar zum Physikalisches Praktikum für Fortgeschrittene II
Seminar Stamen R
heiCO-Info more information - Precision Measurements in Particle Physics (MVSem)
Seminar Bachmann S, Schmidt U
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more information - Challenges in Particle Tracking: Detectors, Methods and AI (MVSem)
Seminar Augustin H, Dittmeier S, Schöning A
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more information - Neutrinoless double beta decay (OberSem)
Seminar(Werner Hofmann), 130000.100
heiCO-Info more information - SuperCDMS/CRESST Analysen (OberSem)
Seminar von Krosigk B
heiCO-Info more information - Oberseminar: Theoretical Cosmology Daily Meeting (OberSem)
Seminar Heisenberg L
heiCO-Info more information - Oberseminar: Theoretical Cosmology (OberSem)
Seminar Heisenberg L
heiCO-Info more information - Workshop: The QFT Path (Workshop)
Seminar Gurau R
heiCO-Info more information - Phänomen Fieber. Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf Krankheit in Geschichte und Gegenwart (PSem/MVSem)
Seminar Gänger S, Ganter M, Schwarz U
Homepage heiCO-Info more information - Physiker und Physikerinnen - und die Frage der Verantwortung (FSEM)
Seminar Stamatescu I
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more information - Oberseminar für die Tutoren der Theoretischen Physik IV
Seminar Gasenzer T
heiCO-Info more information - Neutrinos, Dark Matter, Beyond the Standard Model (MVSem)
Seminar Lindner M, Uwer U
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more information - Journal Club Machine Learning in Astrophysics (OberSem)
Seminar Buck T, Schaible A
heiCO-Info more information - Oberseminar: Computational Astrophysics (OberSem)
Seminar Buck T, Schaible A
heiCO-Info more information - Oberseminar: Latest Trends in Optimization for Machine Learning (OberSem)
Seminar Rother C
heiCO-Info more information - Oberseminar: Advanced Integrated Optics (OberSem)
Seminar Pernice W
heiCO-Info more information - Physikalisches Praktikum für Mediziner und Zahnmediziner
Praktikum Hausmann M
heiCO-Info more information - Praktikum Umweltphysik (MVEnv5, MVSpec)
Praktikum Frieß U
heiCO-Info more information - Anfängerpraktikum I (PAP1)
Praktikum Wagner J
heiCO-Info more information - Paul Scherrer Institut Teilchenphysik Praktikum
Praktikum Schöning A
heiCO-Info more information - Anfängerpraktikum für Lehramt II (PAPL2)
Praktikum Wagner J
heiCO-Info more information - Anfängerpraktikum für Lehramt III (PAPL3)
Praktikum Wagner J
heiCO-Info more information - Centre of Quantum Dynamics Colloquium
Kolloquium Chomaz L
heiCO-Info more information - Colloquium for Particle Physics, Astrophysics and Cosmology
Kolloquium Schöning A, von Krosigk B
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Summer Term 2018
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Summer Term 2019
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Summer Term 2020
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Summer Term 2021
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Summer Term 2022
Winter Term 2022/2023
Summer Term 2023
Winter term 2023/2024
Summer Term 2024
Winter Term 2024/2025
Summer Term 2025
Winter Term 2017/2018
Summer Term 2018
Winter term 2018/2019
Summer Term 2019
Winter Term 2019/2020
Summer Term 2020
Winter Term 2020/2021
Summer Term 2021
Winter Term 2021/2022
Summer Term 2022
Winter Term 2022/2023
Summer Term 2023
Winter term 2023/2024
Summer Term 2024
Winter Term 2024/2025
Summer Term 2025