Summer Term 2024

  • Volumenvisualisierung (MVSpec)
    Vorlesung   Hesser J
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  • Inverse Probleme (MVSpec)
    Vorlesung   Hesser J
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  • Computerspiele / Med. Simulatoren (MVSpec)
    Vorlesung   Hesser J
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  • Medical Physics 2 (MVMP2, MVSpec)
    Vorlesung   Kuder T, Schröder L
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    LV-Anmeldung möglich
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  • Cell Biophysics (MVSpec)
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  • The physics of charged particle therapy (MVSpec)
    Vorlesung   Seco J
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  • Biophotonics I (MVSpec)
    Vorlesung   Petrich W
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  • Radiation Biophysics 1 (MVSpec)
    Vorlesung   Falk M
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  • Radiation Biophysics 2 (MVSpec)
    Vorlesung   Falk M
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  • Theoretical Biophysics (MVBP2, MVSpec)
    Vorlesung   Schwarz U
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  • Aktuelle Themen der Strahlenbiophysik (PSem)
    Seminar   Falk M, Hausmann M
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  • Physik moderner MRT/CT Techniken (MVSem)
    Seminar   Schad L
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  • Methods of Physics in Biology and Medicine (MVSem)
    Seminar   Kuder T, Schröder L
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  • Machine Learning for the Biomolecular World (MVSem)
    Seminar   Bereau T, Wade R
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  • Soft Matter Physics (PSem/MVSem)
    Seminar   Bereau T, Ziebert F
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  • Physikalisches Kolloquium
    Kolloquium   Stachel J
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