Winter Term 2024/2025

  • Astronomical Techniques Compact (MVAstro1.1, MVSpec)
    Vorlesung   Grebel E
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  • Introduction to Astronomy and Astrophysics (MVAstro0, MVSpec)
    Vorlesung   Jordan S, Pössel M
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  • Galactic and extragalactic astronomy (Block) (MVAstro3, MVSpec)
    Vorlesung   Grebel E
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  • Himmelsmechanik (MVSpec)
    Vorlesung   Parmentier G
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  • Sternentstehung (MVSpec)
    Vorlesung   Beuther H, Henning T
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  • Entfernungsbestimmung im Kosmos (MVSpec)
    Vorlesung   Wambsganß J
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  • Small Stellar Systems (MVSpec)
    Vorlesung   Koch-Hansen A
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  • Stellar Populations in Galaxies (MVSpec)
    Vorlesung   Pasquali A
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  • Introduction to Numerical Relativity in Astrophysics and Cosmology (MVSpec)
    Vorlesung   Hujeirat A
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  • The Stellar Cookbook: A practical guide to the theory of stars (MVSpec)
    Vorlesung   Röpke F, Schneider F
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  • Gravitational Dynamics (MVSpec)
    Vorlesung   Dehnen W
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  • Asteroseismology (MVSpec)
    Vorlesung   Hekker S
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  • Introduction to GPU Accelerated Computing (MVSpec)
    Vorlesung   Spurzem R
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  • Compact Object Astrophysics (MVSpec)
    Vorlesung   Mapelli M
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  • The Dark Ages of the Universe (MVSpec)
    Vorlesung   Glover S
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  • Black Holes in their natural habitat (MVSpec)
    Vorlesung   Gold R
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  • Experimental Optics and Photonics (MVAMO1, MVSpec)
    Vorlesung   Chomaz L
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  • Experimentelle Biophysik (MVBP1, MVSpec)
    Vorlesung   Schröder R
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  • Medical Image Analysis (MVSpec)
    Vorlesung   Hesser J
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  • Medical Physics 3 (MVMP3, MVSpec)
    Vorlesung   Hesser J, Seco J
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  • Physik der Bildgebenden Verfahren (MVSpec)
    Vorlesung   Zöllner F
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  • Biomedizinische Technik (MVSpec)
    Vorlesung   Zöllner F
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  • Medical Physics 1 (MVMP1, MVSpec)
    Vorlesung   Seco J
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  • Biophotonics II (MVSpec)
    Vorlesung   Petrich W
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  • Electronic Correlation and Quantum Magnetism (MVSpec)
    Vorlesung   Klingeler R
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  • Physics of the Atmosphere (MVSpec)
    Vorlesung   Leisner T
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  • Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere (MVSpec)
    Vorlesung   Wagner T
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  • Physics of Climate (MVEnv4, MVSpec)
    Vorlesung   Frank N
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  • Block Course on Physical Limnology (MVSPEC)
    Vorlesung   Boehrer B
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  • Theoretical Statistical Physics (MKTP1)
    Vorlesung   Bereau T
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  • Quantum Field Theory I (MKTP4)
    Vorlesung   Berges J
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  • Condensed Matter Theory 1 (MVTheoCM1, MVSpec)
    Vorlesung   Haverkort M, Schmidt R
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  • Standard Model of Particle Physics II (MVSpec)
    Vorlesung   Lindner M, Rodejohann W
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  • String Theory (MVSPec)
    Vorlesung   Hebecker A
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  • Quantum gravity and the Renormalization Group (MVSpec)
    Vorlesung   (Prof. Astrid Eichhorn), 130000.100
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  • Introduction to Nonequilibrium Physics (MVSpec)
    Vorlesung   Ziebert F
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  • Advanced Statistical Physics (MVSpec)
    Vorlesung   Enss T
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  • Ultralight axions, Yang-Mills thermodynamics, and the Fuzzy Dark Matter paradigm (MVSpec)
    Vorlesung   Hofmann R
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  • QCD (MVSpec)
    Vorlesung   Pawlowski J, Plehn T
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  • Physics Beyond the Standard Model (MVSpec)
    Vorlesung   Goertz F
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  • Fundamentals of Simulation Methods (MVComp1, MVSpec)
    Vorlesung   Dullemond C, Mapelli M
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  • Astronomisch-Astrophysikalisches Praktikum
    Praktikum   Quirrenbach A, Rothmaier F, Seifert W, Stürmer J
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  • Astronomisch-Astrophysikalisches Praktikum II
    Praktikum   Heidt J
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  • Praktikum Umweltphysik (MVEnv5, MVSpec)
    Praktikum   Frieß U
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