A few questions for self-controlling

Elastic properties

  • What are stress and strain and how are they linked?
  • What are suppositions applied in elasticity theory?
  • What is shear stress?
  • How to measure sound velocities? Why there is more than one of them?
  • What to learn from these experiments on microscopic propeties of a material?



  • What is an acoustic branch?
  • Is there always an optical branch? Why?
  • Why restricting to the 1st BZ is sufficient?
  • Btw, what is the BZ?
  • How fast do acoustic wave propagate at q=0, q=pi/a?
  • How many branches do you expect for a system with 5 atoms per unit cell?
  • Are in general longitudinal or transversal sound waves faster?
  • Sketch a typical phonon branch and discuss it


  • What is a phonon?
  • Write energy and momentum conservation laws for an inelastic neutron scattering experiment
  • Why a phon is considered a quasi-particle?
  • How to experimentally determine the phonon dispersion of a material?
  • How many phonons can be excited in a material? Discuss...
  • Can one excite phonons with optical light?
  • Explain Raman scattering
  • Explain Brillouin scattering


  • What is the density of states?
  • ... and why is it considered so relevant?
  • How to calculate the DOS of a given material?
  • Does DOS depend on the dimension of a system?
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