Modern Aspects of Quark-Gluon Plasma Physics (MVSpec)

Sommersemester 2025
Dozent: Masciocchi Silvia, Aleksas Mazeliauskas
0 Teilnehmer/innen

As two lead nuclei collide at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN, they create extreme conditions not seen since the beginning of our Universe. The collision creates a plasma of matter hundreds of times denser than the nucleus of the atom and a hundred thousand times hotter than the core of a star. This new form of matter is composed of strongly interacting quarks and gluons---the fundamental building blocks of matter---and is called the Quark-Gluon Plasma. Measuring the properties of QGP and understanding the emergent many-body phenomena of QCD are the goals of heavy-ion physics.

This course is dedicated to modern aspects of QGP physics. We will provide a broad introduction to heavy-ion physics, both from the theoretical and experimental points of view. Lectures are accompanied by interactive and hands-on practice sessions on different aspects of theoretical and experimental research of QGP physics.

The lectures are aimed at bachelor, master, and graduate students. Knowledge on the level of "Experimentalphysik IV" (PEP4) is sufficient for this introductory course.

Course description

The course consists of weekly lectures on Fridays 11:15 - 13:00 (2 ECTS points) and practice sessions on Mondays 14:00-16:00 (2 ECTS points).

Attending practice sessions is optional, but highly recommended. It is not possible to attend the practice sessions without also taking the lectures.

Lecturers: Aleksas Mazeliauskas (Institute for Theoretical Physics) and Silvia Masciocchi (Physics Institute and GSI)

Location: Lectures will take place at Goldbox (ground floor, Physics Institute, INF 226), and practice sessions at Glasbox (first floor, Physics Institute, INF 226).

Kick-off: We will meet for the first time on Friday, April 25, at 11:15 (no practice session on April 14th).

Exam: (Preliminary plan) The course will be graded pass/fail by an oral exam. Practice sessions will be graded pass/fail by attendance. The details will be confirmed at the beginning of the course.


S - Silvia Masciocchi, A - Aleksas Mazeliauskas

  1. Introduction to QCD and heavy-ion experiments (25/04, S)
  2. Stages of heavy-ion collisions (02/05, A)
  3. QCD thermodynamics (09/05, A)
  4. Basics of proton and nuclear collisions (16/05, S)
  5. Hydrodynamic expansion of QGP (23/05, A)
  6. Correlations and Bayesian analysis (30/05, S)
  7. Hadronic phase and nuclei production (06/06, S)
  8. Initial State and pre-equilibrium (13/06, A)
  9. nPDFs and jet physics (20/06, A)
  10. Heavy quarks (27/06, S)
  11. Electromagnetic probes (04/07, S)
  12. Ion collision at lower energies (11/07, A)
  13. Recap of the course and outlook (18/07, A)


  • Gruppe Standardgruppe (Silvia Masciocchi, Aleksas Mazeliauskas)
    0 Teilnehmer/innen
    - Siehe Anmerkung, Fr 11:00 - 13:00
zum Seitenanfang
Quark Gluon Plasma (MVSpec)
Sommersemester 2025
Masciocchi S, Mazeliauskas A
0 Teilnehmer/innen