Nobel prizes from nuclear, particle, and precision physics
Dozent: Skyler Degenkolb, Silvia Masciocchi, Felix Sefkow
Link zum LSF
13 Teilnehmer/innen
Prof. Dr. Skyler Degenkolb (
Prof. Dr. Silvia Masciocchi (
Priv. Doz. Dr. Felix Sefkow (
The goal of the seminar is to discuss nobel prizes in the fields of experimental nuclear, particle and precision physics. The topics will be ordered according to their historic occurance.
Prerequisite for this seminar is the Particle Physics Master Course or a Bachelor Thesis in particle physics. The seminar consists of the oral presentation of a research topic and a write-up of the talk. (see Master Modulhandbuch)
Time and Place
Time: Fridays 14:00 - 16:00
First Meeting: 21.10.2022
First Seminar:
Place: INF 226 Glass Box (room 1.106)
Please register through the Übungsgruppenverwaltung and contact one of the organisers:
The distribution of talks will be done on a first come first served basis.
Possible Topics
The agreed calendar of topics and speakers is available here:
1 | 1958 | Tscherenkov, Frank, Tamm | Tscherenkov effect | |
2 | 1961 | Möβbauer | Gamma resonance absorption | |
3 | 1964 | Townes, Basov, Prokhorov | Maser and laser | |
4 | 1976 | Richter, Ting | J/psi | taken |
5 | 1980 | Cronin, Fitch | CP-violation in the kaon system | |
6 | 1984 | Rubbia, van der Meer | W- and Z-bosons | |
7 | 1988 | Ledermann, Schwartz, Steinberg | Myon-neutrino | |
8 | 1989 | Ramsey | Method of separated oscillatory fields | |
9 | 1992 | Charpak | Multiwire proportional chambers (MWPC) | |
10 | 1994 | Brockhouse, Shull | Neutron scattering | |
11 | 1995 | Perl | Tau discovery | |
12 | 2005 | Hall, Hänsch | Frequency combs | |
13 | 2013 | Englert, Higgs | Higgs-mechanism | |
14 | 2015 | Kajita, McDonald | Neutrino oscillations |
21.10: Introduction to the Seminar
First seminar in November, on ?
- Gruppe SEM (Degenkolb Masciocchi Sefkow)
13 Teilnehmer/innen
INF 226 1.106, Fr 14:00 - 16:00