The Stellar Cookbook: A practical guide to the theory of stars

Wintersemester 2021/2022
Dozent: Prof. Dr. Friedrich Röpke, Dr. Fabian Schneider
Link zum LSF
15 Teilnehmer/innen

This lecture will be in person. The first lecture will take place on Tuesday, October 19, 2pm.

The first part of the lecture will be "lecutre-like" teaching while the second half of the semester will be a practical course using the stellar evolution code MESA.

A laptop or PC is required for the second/practical part of the lecture. MESA runs best under Linux/Mac, and Windows users will either have to install a Linux partition, use a virtual machine or the Windows Subsystem for Linux. Detailed instructions for MESA installation on all major OS will be provided.


zum Seitenanfang
The Stellar Cookbook: A practical guide to the theory of stars
Wintersemester 2021/2022
Schneider Röpke
Link zum LSF
15 Teilnehmer/innen