Theory Tooltips

Wintersemester 2021/2022
Dozent: Schäfer
Link zum LSF
90 Teilnehmer/innen

theory tooltips: Physics is everything about length, time, mass and temperature?

The lecture gives a panoramic view over the ideas and concepts of theoretical physics: We will discuss the fundamental shape of physical laws and see what a central role geometry plays in relativity and beyond. A very central place will be given to the five grand constants of Nature, c, hbar, G, kB and Lambda and their role in modern physics. We will work out similarities and analogies between classical and quantum mechanics on one side and electrodynamics and relativity on the other. We'll see where the dividing line between classical and modern physics runs and how the transition to classical physics is recovered. 

prerequisites: a few lectures in theoretical physics (not all), joy in physics and coolness in the view of unusual derivations

course material: please register on for the course material. scans of my notes are being provided as we go, and in parallel I type a script

exam: there will be two exam possibilities (14.Feb.2022 and 28.Feb.2022, from 14.00h to 16.00h) following the pattern defined in the exam regulations

exercises: there will be exercise sheets with sample solutions, but no formal exercises


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Theory Tooltips
Wintersemester 2021/2022
Link zum LSF
90 Teilnehmer/innen