Condensed Matter Physics

Sommersemester 2021
Dozent: Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Klingeler
Link zum LSF
107 Teilnehmer/innen

Lecturer: R. Klingeler / A. Reiser


Lecture time

Tuesday, 11:15 - 13:00 h (online)
Thursday, 11:15 - 13:00 h (online)


Location: Online course, lectures will be given online via Zoom; invitation will be open to registered students (see the link in Übungsgruppenverwaltung)


SWS: 6; Credit Points: 8 (Lecture/4 hours/week and tutorials/2 hours/week) with homework)


Exam: to be decided according to the pandemia situation

preliminary Date: July 22nd


Lecture content:


Tutorials: Tue + Wed (Online via zoom)

  • The tutorials will be held using Zoom. Your tutor will send you an invitation email. The tutorial dates and times remain unchanged with respect to the course catalog at LSF.
  • The homework is handed in via the upload tool in the tutorial database.
  • Please hand in pdf-files only for file handling reasons. Please do not send photographs in jpg or similiar picture formats.



After completing the course the students

  • have a thorough knowledge and understanding of the fundamentals of condensed matter physics.
  • they understand the principles of formation of condensed matter and have learnt experimental methods to study structural properties. They are familiar with the reciprocal space.
  • they understand fundamental electronic models, become aquainted with bandstructure and can describe simple crystalline materials as metals, seminconductors, and insulators.
  • they can apply the basic concepts to understand optical and magnetic properties of matter and superconductivity.
  • they know the relevant experimental methods for probing structural, optical, magnetic, and electronic properties of condensed matter and can analyse the experimental results.
  • get insight into modern trends in experimental condensed matter physics.


Slides, tutorial sheets and lecture notes are password protected and only available for students of the CMP lecture for personal use as part of their studies. All rights of the materials at the webpages are reserved. Any commercial use is prohibited.



Dear CMP students,

the exam will take place July 22nd 2021 between 9:00 am and 11:00 am.
The exam is written at HOME.
The technical procedures for the exam are the same as for the
exercise sheets. This then leads to the following flow chart:
From 8:45 am: Download of the exam as a pdf document is open:
A pdf document consisting of the declaration of self-reliance plus exam, 12 pages in total.
9:00 am to 11:00 am: Time to work on the exam tasks.
Until 11:15 am: Time to digitize and upload your solutions
if possible as a pdf document in the exercise group management system.

Possible questions and answers:

How many tasks will be there?
-As in previous years, there will be ten tasks in a comparable style.

Where can I find the exam?
-The download is offered via the exercise group management system. ("My groups")

How do I work on the exam?
-You can print out the pdf and write the solutions by hand
on paper and then digitize (scanner, tablet,
smartphone, ...) and upload it as a pdf file via the exercise group management system.
-You can also edit directly digitally (pen tablet).

Do I have to use the exam form to write down the solutions there?
-No, but it makes life easier for everyone. If you
work on your own paper, please clearly write the task numbers.
You must give us the declaration of self-reliance. Without this declaration, a rating of the
exam is not possible.

What if the download doesn't work?
-Please contact your tutor immediately (email, phone
[your tutor will tell you her or his "coordinates"], ...). So we have the opportunity if necessary
to send to you the exam by email or to find an individual solution.

What if the upload doesn't work?
-Please contact your tutor immediately (email, phone
[your tutor will tell you her or his "coordinates"], ...). If you can send emails please send the exam
by email to your tutor. If not please arrange an individual solution with your tutor.

Which tools can I use?
-Everything, EXCEPT communication with others (tutors / lecturer excluded).
You will find the legally binding text in the declaration of self-reliance ... we have to stay formal here.

Is it allowed to write such an exam?
-Yes according to the following examination regulations: Supplementary examination regulations Heidelberg University
from June 16th, 2020.

Are we monitoring the writing?
-No, but we offer ZOOM rooms for exercise groups which
you can join - what we recommend. But this is not mandatory. Your tutors will be there too
and care about queries (use ZOOM chat).
We will send the ZOOM access information on time. These will be completely new rooms, so please don't go to the normal group room!

Do I have to be online all the time?
-No, all you need is to download and upload.

Can the exam be written on a different date?
-No, this is due to organizational reasons in
higher-level planning of the faculty.

What should I do if I can NOT take the exam according to the schedule above e.g. for technical reasons?
-Please contact your tutor and the lecturer and me
( to find an individual solution

When does the retry-exam take place?
- Usually in the first week of the winter term 2021/2022. Details concerning
the format and the exact date have not yet been determined.

Exam Inspection

The inspection of the exam takes place tomorrow, July 30th between 8 and 12 am. You will have access via the tutorial database "my groups". You can ask your questions using the chat-like ticket system there.


Retry exam

The retry exam is planned to take place October 19th between 2 and 4 pm in room KIP 1.404. 


zum Seitenanfang
Condensed Matter Physics
Sommersemester 2021
Link zum LSF
107 Teilnehmer/innen