Quark Gluon Plasma
Dozent: Prof. Dr. Peter Braun-Munzinger
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19 Teilnehmer/innen
Quark-Gluon Plasma lecture.
Fr., 11:00-13:00 (no break in between)
zoom link via email.
In this lecture the basic concepts of Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP) physics will be discussed. The QGP is a hot and densce Quantum-Chromo Dynamic (QCD) medium, created in ultrarelativisic heavy-ion collisions at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN.
16.04. Introduction (Schmah)
23.04. Kinematic variables / detector overview and analysis tools (Schmah) Exercise
30.04. Thermodynamics of the QGP (ideal gas, lattice) (PBM) Exercise Exercise_part2 code_part2
07.05. Basics of proton-proton and nucleus-nucleus collisions (Schmah) Exercise code
Exercise_28052021 code Solution_28052021
14.05. Statistical hadronization model (SHM) and strangeness (PBM)
04.06. Statistical hadronization model and charmonia/quarkonia (SHMc) (PBM)
11.06. Space-time evolution of the QGP (flow) (Schmah)
Exercise_from_11062021 code data Solution_11062021
18.06. SHMc and open heavy flavor (PBM)
25.06. Hard Scattering and nuclear modification factor (Schmah)
Exercise_from_25062021 code Solution_25062021
25.06. Jets and Jet Quenching (Schmah)
02.07. Hanbury Brown-Twiss correlations (HBT) (PBM)
09.07. Thermal photons and dileptons (Schmah) Exercise_from_09072021
16.07. Physics of the critical endpoint (PBM)
16.07. Net-baryon fluctuations (PBM)
Old lectures from last semester:
1. Introduction
2. Kinematic Variables
3. Basics of proton-proton and nucleus-nucleus Collisions
4. Thermodynamics of the QGP
- Ideal gas of quarks and gluons
- Lattice Results
5. Statistical Model and Strangeness
6. Space-time Evolution of the QGP
- Basics of relativistic hydrodynamics
- Spectra and radial flow
- Elliptic flow and higher flow harmonics
- Collective flow in small systems?
7. Hanbury Brown-Twiss correlations (HBT)
8. Hard Scattering, Jets and Jet Quenching
9. Thermal Photons and Dileptons
10. Quarkonia
- Gruppe Teilnehmer/innen
19 Teilnehmer/innen