Nobel Prizes in Experimental Particle Physics, Nuclear Physics and Astroparticle Physics
Prof. Dr. Norbert Herrmann (
Priv. Doz. Dr. Felix Sefkow (
Dr. Rainer Stamen (
The goal of the seminar is to discuss nobel prizes in the fields of experimental particle, nuclear and astroparticle physics. The topics will be ordered according to their historic occurance.
Prerequisite for this seminar is the Particle Physics Master Course or a Bachelor Thesis in particle physics. The seminar consists of the oral presentation of a research topic and a write-up of the talk. (see Master Modulhandbuch)
Time and Place
Time: Fridays 15:00 - 16:30
First Meeting: 16.4.2021
First Seminar: 23.4.2021
Place: The seminar will start as online seminar. The contact details will be send to the registered particpants in due time. At a later stage during the summer term we might change to a seminar in presence in a seminar room.
Please register through the Übungsgruppenverwaltung and contact one of the organisers.
The distribution of talks will be done on a first come first served basis.
Possible Topics
1) 1958 Tscherenkov, Frank, Tamm Tscherenkov-Effect
2) 1959 Segré, Chamberlain Antiproton
3) 1960 Glaser Bubble chamber
4) 1961 Mößbauer Gamma Resonance Absorption
5) 1961 Hofstadter Electron-Nucleus-Scattering, Nucleon Structure
6) 1968 Alvarez Resonances (Omega)
7) 1976 Richter, Ting J/Psi
8) 1978 Penzias, Wilson Microwave Background Radiation
9) 1980 Cronin, Fitch CP-Violation in the Kaon System
10) 1983 Fowler Formation of chemical elements in the universe
11) 1984 Rubbia, van der Meer W- und Z- Bosons
12) 1988 Ledermann, Schwartz, Steinberger Myon-Neutrino
13) 1990 Friedman, Kendall, Taylor Deep Inelastoc Scattering and the Quark Modell
14) 1992 Charpak Multiwire Proportinal Chambers (MWPC)
15) 1994 Brockhouse, Shull Neutron Scattering
16) 1995 Reines Neutrino Discovery
17) 1995 Perl Tau Discovery
18) 2002 Giacconi Röntghenastronomie
19) 2002 Davis, Koshiba Cosmic Neutrinos
20) 2004 Gross, Politzer, Wilczek Asymptotic Freedom of the Strong Interaction
21) 2006 Mather, Smoot Cosmic Microwave Background
22) 2013 Englert, Higgs Higgs-Mechanism
23) 2015 Kajita, McDonald Neutrino-Oscillations
16.4.: Introduction to the Seminar
23.4.: Cerenkov Effect (M.B.)
30.4.: -
7.5.: CP Violation in the Kaon System (L.U.)
14.5.: -
21.5.: Deep Inelastic Scattering and the Quark Model (C.C.)
28.5.: Multiwire Proportinal Chambers (L.D.)
4.6.: -
11.6.: Neutrino Discovery (M.M.)
18.6.: Neutrino Oscillations (M.B.)
25.6.: Cosmic Microwave Background (G.W,)
2.7.: Asymptotic Freedom of the Strong Interaction (F.J.)