Stellar Astrophysics (Block)
Dozent: Karin Lind, Maria Bergemann
Link zum LSF
6 Teilnehmer/innen
The module consists of
- lectures (9:30 am - 12 pm)
- tutorials (1 pm - 3 pm)
- seminars (02.08 or 09.08)
In order to obtain the 5 ECTS credit points the students have to successfully participate in the lecture, exercises, and seminar.
Requirements to pass the course:
All lectures must be attended
Solutions to exercises shall be handed in individually
Attend the seminar sessions and present a seminar
Seminars should be 20min + 10min Q&A.
Course Overview
Karin Lind:
29.7.2019: Radiative transfer
30.7.2019: Winds and hydrodynamics
31.7.2019: Activity and rotation
1.08.2019: Star formation, binaries, star clusters
Maria Bergemann:
5.08.2019: Stellar evolution 1
6.08.2019: Stellar evolution 2
7.08.2019: Stellar pulsations and asteroseismology
8.08.2019: Supernovae, gamma ray bursts, stellar remnants
Seminar topics
- Gruppe A (Lind)
6 Teilnehmer/innen
Philos.-weg 12 / R 105,
Lecture contents
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