Condensed Matter Physics

MKEP2: (8 Credit Points): The basic aim of Condensed Matter Physics is to understand the collective properties of large assemblies of atoms and molecules in terms of their mutual interaction. The study of matter on length scales above 1Å and energy scales smaller than 10 eV reveals how a collection of many interacting degrees of freedom exhibits novel and interesting phenomena, which are largely insensitive to details of what happens at shorter length and higher energy scales. This introductory course is focused on fundamental physical phenomena in (mostly) crystalline solids, discussed in terms of the basic principles of classical and quantum physics. Specific concepts like reciprocal space are discussed and it will be shown that the approximate picture of 'quasiparticles', such as 'quasielectrons' (mutually interacting electrons) and phonons (quantized lattice vibrations)  is often sufficient to capture the essential physics of the system.

Module Parts

Lecture on Condensed Matter Physics (4 hours/week)
Tuesday  11:15 - 13:00 INF 308 HS2
Thursday 11:15 - 13:00 INF 308 HS2

Exercise with homework (2 hours/week)
see list below


First tutorial April 23th/24th

Module Content

Structure of solids in real and reciprocal space
Lattice dynamics and phonon band structure
Thermal properties of insulators
Electronic properties of metals and semiconductors: band structure and transport
Optical properties from microwaves to UV
Defects, surfaces, disorder

Practice groups


Thursday, July 25th

9:15-11:15 am

entrance 9:00 am

INF 308 HS 1


You are allowed to use a A4 paper handwritten collection of formulas.

A calculator will be provided: Type of calculator: Casio fx-85GT PLUS.



Exam inspection:

Friday, August 9th

INF 227 / SR 2.402

Time: 13:00 - 14:00: Groups 1,2,3

Time: 14:00 - 15:00: Groups 4,5,6,7

Retry exam

Monday, October 14th
14:00-16:00 h

entrance 13:50 am

INF 227 HS 1

You are allowed to use a A4 paper handwritten collection of formulas.

A calculator will be provided: Type of calculator: Casio fx-85GT PLUS.


Retry exam inspection

Tuesday, October 22nd

INF227 / 1.107

14:00-15:00 h

Condensed Matter Physics
Prof. Dr. Christian Enss
Link zum LSF
112 participants
Practice Groups
Coordinator: Dr. Andreas Reiser
Sign up 
Exam date July, 25th
March 2025
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April 2025
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