Introduction to Astronomy and Astrophysics III
Lecturer: PD Dr. Coryn Bailer-Jones, PD Dr. Hubert Klahr
Link to LSF
6 participants
This seminar is intended for students who want to do their mandatory Bachelor seminar course (PSem) in astronomy and astrophysics. Each participant will prepare and hold a presentation on a specfic topic and also write a summary (as a handout for the other participants). Both the presentation and handout will be graded. This seminar includes the "core competence" course on presentations (UKS2). Active participation in all the lectures is expected.
Please register by 13 October using the link above. You must also attend the first seminar on 15 October in order to choose a topic. There is space for up to 18 students.
Time and place
Wednesdays from 09:15 to 11:00
ARI Seminar room, Mönchhofstrasse 12-14
Datum | Student | Thema | Supervisor | Literature |
15 Oktober | Themenvergabe | |||
26 November | Victor Ksoll | Physical proceses in asteroid impacts | CBJ |
10 December | Maximilian Hein | Star formation | HK | |
17 December | Christoph Engler | Determining the ages of stars | CBJ |
7 Januar | Julian Rickert | The search for earth-like exoplanets | HK | |
14 Januar | Iijima Kazuma | Energy generation in stars and planets | CBJ |
Vorträge können auf Deutsch oder English gehalten werden, unabhängig von der Sprache der Title unten.
Talks can be held in German or English regardless of the language used below.
Topic | Supervisor | Literature / links |
Die Entdeckung extrasolarer Planeten | HK | |
Magnetische Turbulenz in Akkretionsscheiben | HK | |
Die Entstehung von Planetensystemen | HK | |
Bio-Astronomie: Leben im Universum | HK | |
Sternentstehung | HK | |
Lucky-Imaging | HK | |
A dying universe: the long-term fate and evolution of astrophysical objects | HK | |
The effect of a nearby supernova on the Earth | CBJ | |
Comet impacts caused by nearby stars? | CBJ | |
Detecting and preventing potentially hazardous objects (asteroids, comets) | CBJ | |
Physical processes during an asteroid impact | CBJ | see above |
Measuring cosmic distances | CBJ | |
Measuring cosmic distances in the pre-electronic era | CBJ |
The Milankovitch theory of ice ages | CBJ | |
How to measure the ages of stars | CBJ | |
Energy generation in stars and planets | CBJ | see above |
Structure and evolution of brown dwarfs | CBJ | |
Degenerate matter in white dwarfs and neutron stars | CBJ | |