Machine Learning and Physics (MKTP6)

winter term 2024/2025
Lecturer: Hamprecht F
189 participants

Exam regulations

- You need a passing grade to earn ECTS credit points.
- If you have reached at least 50% of points in the exercises, you can register for the exam on heiCO. You can register until February 7th, the exam itself is on February 14th at 9h30.
- If you take the exam, please stay until its end so as not to disturb the others.
- We offer a second attempt / "Nachklausur", but only for those who:  
  - registered for the original exam
  - were sick on the day of the original exam and sent us a doctor's attestation OR took part in the first exam and failed
- No cheat sheet will be allowed
- Best way to study: Go over your lecture notes and exercises, discuss them with your friends, explain them to each other. Be able to express your thoughts in words or equations. Learn only the most important equations by heart. The exam will have easy questions (reproduction), standard questions (interpolation) and hard questions (extrapolation). A sample exam from two years ago is on Übungsgruppensystem.
- If you are entitled to take the exam under special conditions ("Nachteilsausgleich"), please inform us by the end of January so that we can arange for that.

Practice groups

  • Group 1 (Peter Lippmann)
    34 participants
    Phil 12 kHS (ab 21.10.24), Mon 16:15 - 18:00
  • Group 2 (Giovanni De Crescenzo)
    43 participants
    Phil 12 kHS, Tue 16:15 - 18:00
  • Group 3 (Luca Daniel Adams, Peter Lippmann)
    35 participants
    INF 227 01.403, Wed 16:15 - 18:00
  • Group 4 (Ayo Ore)
    36 participants
    Phil 12 kHS, Thu 14:15 - 16:00
  • Group 5 (Javier MariƱo Villadamigo)
    31 participants
    INF 227 03.402, Fri 14:15 - 16:00
Machine Learning and Physics (MKTP6)
winter term 2024/2025
Hamprecht F
189 participants