Advanced Quantum Theory (MVAMO2, MVSpec)

summer term 2024
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Tilman Enss
68 participants


  1. Introduction
    • A brief reminder of some basics of quantum mechanics
  2. Quantum theory of matter
    • Identical particles
    • Bosons and fermions
    • Fock space
  3. Interactions
    • Scattering theory
    • Potential scattering
    • Lippmann-Schwinger equation and Born approximation
    • Partial-wave expansion
    • Scattering cross section and optical theorem
    • Resonance scattering and bound states
    • Coulomb scattering
  4. Theory of quantum states
    • Density matrix
    • Pure states and mixed ensembles
    • Environment and partial trace
    • Entanglement (EPR, Bell's inequalities)
    • Time evolution and thermalization
  5. Open quantum systems
    • Markovian approximation and Lindblad Master equation
    • Jaynes-Cummings model
    • Collapse and revival
    • Adiabatic processes


There are many good textbooks on Quantum Mechanics, here are a few:

  • Jean-Louis Basdevant, Jean Dalibard, Quantum Mechanics. Springer 2002.
  • Claude Cohen-Tannoudji, Bernard Diu, Franck Laloë, Quantum Mechanics. Wiley, New York, 2005 (reprint). [ Google books | HEIDI ]
  • L.D. Landau and E. M. Lifshitz, Quantum Mechanics. Non-relativistic theory. Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1977. [ HEIDI | Online Full Text ]
  • F. Schwabl, Quantenmechanik I, II [in German]. Springer 2007. [ Ebook I | Ebook II ]
  • N. Straumann, Quantenmechanik [in German]. Springer 2013. [ Ebook ]
  • Steven Weinberg, Lectures on Quantum Mechanics. Cambridge University Press, 2nd ed., 2015. [ Google books | HEIDI ]

Fock space/Second quantization

  • A. Altland, B. Simons, Condensed Matter Field Theory, 3rd ed., Cambridge 2023. In particular section 2.1. [ HEIDI ]

Scattering theory

  • C.J. Joachain, Quantum Collision Theory. North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1983. [ HEIDI | Scribd Full Text ]
  • Landau and Lifshitz (see above), see Chapters XVII & XVIII.
  • J. Dalibard, Collisional dynamics of ultra-cold atomic gases. Varenna lecture notes 1998. [ Full Text ]

Open quantum systems

  • M.D. Lukin, Modern Atomic and Molecular Physics II. Harvard lecture notes 2016. [ Full Text ]



contents of PEP1-4, PTP1-4, in particular Quantum Mechanics (PTP4)

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Advanced Quantum Theory (MVAMO2, MVSpec)
summer term 2024
T Enss
68 participants

written final exam