Attosecond Physics (MVSpec)

summer term 2024
Lecturer: Moshammer R, Ott C, Pfeifer T
33 participants

This lecture will provide an introduction to the fundamentals and current work in the research area of Attosecond Physics.  The pioneers of this field were awarded the Physics Nobel Prize in 2023 for providing the ultrashort flashes of light (attosecond pulses), and current opportunities to employ their techniques for the understanding and steering of electron motion in matter are quickly expanding.

The lecture will be accompanied by a tutorial (right after the lecture) for praticing our understanding of key concepts and physics pictures, also including (computational) experiments.

Important Dates:

- 16 July 2024, 14:15 @MPIK Lab Tour, meet at MPIK main gate (close to Bus 39 busstop)

- 23 July 2024, 14:15 Exam/Klausur at Philosophenweg 12, Großer Hörsaal (gHS), 2. OG/second upper floor (801002008X)

Practice groups

  • Group Vorlesung&Übung (Robert Moshammer, Christian Reinhold Ott, Thomas Pfeifer)
    33 participants
    INF 227 CIP Pool, Tue 14:15 - 17:30
Attosecond Physics (MVSpec)
summer term 2024
Moshammer R, Ott C, Pfeifer T
33 participants

Phil 12 gHS