Deep Learning in Particle Physics

summer term 2022
Lecturer: Tilman Plehn
Link to LSF
29 participants

This lecture will target master students with a reasonable background in particle physics and basic knowledge of machine learning or numerical methods. Detailed lecture notes will be provided week by week. There will be no exam at the end, unless required individually. For those who need to pass the lecture, we will have tutorials on Wednesday afternoons. They will cover simple machine learning applications for the first couple of weeks. As it says in the LSF, the lecture will be 8CP, no registration required beforehand, just come to the first tutorial on 4/20.

After a while, we will switch the tutorials slot to a master-level seminar with student talks on key papers and applications. The seminar counts as 6CP and can only be attended together with the lecture. Further details will depend on the interest of the participants and will be discussed during the second (notice the change!) tutorial on 4/27. Registration will open immediately after that. This should give everyone some time to attend the first lectures and make up their mind about the seminar.

Practice groups

Deep Learning in Particle Physics
summer term 2022
Tilman Plehn
Link zum LSF
29 participants