Dynamics of galaxies, star clusters and planetary systems
Lecturer: Andreas Just & Rainer Spurzem
Link to LSF
9 participants
This 'Masterpflichtseminar' is addressed specifically to master students, who intend to obtain the mantadory 'MVSem' certificate required for master studies. It is organised as a journal club, where every topic usually consists of a seminar talk by the student presenting one or more recent research papers. An additional written report of the presentation is required.
This seminar may be held in an online modus (Zoom) dependent on the Covid-19 situation. All registered students will be informed about the access data.
Practice groups
- Group S (Just / Spurzem)
9 participants
Mönchhofstr. 12-14 / ARI SR, Wed 14:00 - 15:30
Supervisor: A. Just or R. Spurzem
Files to download with abstracts : T1-T9 (Just) + T11-T14 (Spurzem)
Subject Classification:
Galaxies/Cosmology: T9
Galactic Nuclei: T12 (AGN disks and black holes)
Milky Way: T1, T4, T6 (disc); T2,T3 (bar); T7 (halo)
Star Clusters: T5, T8, T14
Few Body: -- (triples and black holes)
Planetary Systems: T11, T13, T15-T17
T1.(new) 3D hydrodynamic simulations for the formation of the Local Group satellite planes (with MOND), I. Banik et al., 2022, (arXiv 2204.09687, MNRAS 513, 129)
- T2. <taken> The pattern speed of the Milky Way bar from transverse velocities, J.L. Sanders et al., 2019 (MNRAS 488, 4552)
T3. <taken> Mapping the tilt of the Milky Way bulge velocity ellipsoids with ARGOS and Gaia DR2, Simion et al. 2021 (MNRAS 502, 1740)
T4. A time-resolved picture of our Milky Way’s early formation history, M. Xiang & H.-W. Rix, 2022 (Nature 603, 599)
T5. <taken> Extended stellar systems in the solar neighborhood V. Discovery of coronae of nearby star clusters, S. Meingast et al., 2021, (A&A 645, A84)
T6. <taken> Spiral density-wave structure parameters in the solar neighbourhood derived from longitudinal velocities of Gaia EDR3 OB stars: 3D approach, E. Griv et al., 2022, (MNRAS 509, 463) + Kinematic footprint of the Milky Way spiral arms in Gaia EDR3, L. Martinez-Medina et al., 2022 (MNRAS 512, 1574)
T7. <taken> Probing modified Newtonian dynamics with hypervelocity stars, S.S. Chakrabarty et al., 2022 (A&A 657, A115)
T8. <taken> Forward and back: kinematics of the Palomar 5 tidal tails, P. B. Kuzma etal., 2022 (MNRAS 512, 315)
T9. Measuring the Milky Way mass distribution in the presence of the LMC, L. Correa Magnus & E. Vasiliev, 2022 (MNRAS 511, 2610)
T11. On the Correlation between Hot Jupiters and Stellar Clustering: High-eccentricity Migration Induced by Stellar Flybys; Laetitia Rodet, Yubo Su, Dong Lai, 2021, ApJ, 913, 104
T12. Improved gravitational radiation time-scales II: spin-orbit contributions and environmental perturbations; Lorenz Zwick, Pedro R. Capelo, Elisa Bortolas, Veronica Vazquez-Aceves, Lucio Mayer, Pau Amaro-Seoane; 2021, MNRAS, 506, 1007
- T13. <taken> Cai, M.X.; Tan, J.C.; Portegies Zwart, S.: Inside-Out Planet Formation: VI. Oligarchic Coagulation of Planetesimals from a Pebble Ring? 2022, MNRAS, 510, 5486
- T14. Wan, Z., Oliver, W. H., Baumgardt, H., Lewis, G. F., Gieles, M., Hénault-Brunet, V., de Boer, T., Balbinot, E., Da Costa, G., Mackey, D., The dynamics of the globular cluster NGC 3201 out to the Jacobi radius, 2021, MNRAS, 502, 4513
T15. <taken> Li, Jiaru; Lai, Dong; Anderson, Kassandra R.; Pu, Bonan; Giant planet scatterings and collisions: hydrodynamics, merger-ejection branching ratio, and properties of the remnants, 2021, MNRAS, 501, 1621
T16. <taken> Napier, Kevin J.; Markwardt, Larissa; Adams, Fred C.; Gerdes, David W.; Lin, Hsing Wen; A Collision Mechanism for the Removal of Earth's Trojan Asteroids, 2022, arXiv:2204.10316
T17. Becker, Juliette C.; Batygin, Konstantin; Adams, Fred C.: Migrating Planets into Ultra-short-period Orbits during Episodic Accretion Events, 2021, ApJ, 919, 76