Tutorial on Advanced Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics

winter term 2021/2022
Lecturer: Ott Dorn Moshammer Chomaz Evers Wolf
Link to LSF
51 participants

A warm welcome to the lecture “Advanced Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics” in the winter term of 2021/22! The lecture will take you on a tour through one of the most exciting areas of modern physics, ranging from basic concepts in quantum science over the physics of atoms and molecules to modern applications like quantum computing and attosecond science.

Here is some initial information required to start attending the course.

The lecture will be held in a flipped-classroom format using different digital platforms. The major contents of the lecture will be provided in the Moodle portal of Heidelberg University under https://moodle.uni-heidelberg.de/course/view.php?id=10223 (pwd: Born_meets_Dirac_2021) in form of videos and accompanying digital material. These contents will allow you to become acquainted with a given topic and the underlying contents. Under this platform, you will also find additional information like the topics of each week, the full table of contents, literature recommendations etc.

During the course hours (mondays and wednesdays at 2:15 p.m.), we will have in-depth discussions and quizzes based on these materials. Therefore, it is mandatory that you prepared yourself with the videos and accompanying lecture notes beforehand. These in-person meetings lecture will take place in the lecture hall 2 of the Kirchhoff-Institute for Physics (Im Neuenheimer Feld 227). Please make sure that you comply with the “3G” regulations and that you wear a medical mask in the lecture hall to ensure maximum safety under corona conditions. For students who cannot be present in Heidelberg I will offer a special digital office hour on Fridays from 8:30 to 9:30 a.m. under the Zoom link https://zoom.us/j/95129486648?pwd=RU4rV29jemgwSVVjYkZ3bnhlRUtHQT09 (Meeting ID: 951 2948 6648, Passcode: 511642). Please use this office hour only if serious reasons (illness, visa issues etc.) impede you from attending the in-person course hours.

We provide six tutorial groups supervised by highly experienced, world-class researchers in the field of AMO and quantum physics (JunProf. Lauriane Chomaz, PD Dr. Alexander Dorn, apl. Prof. Jörg Evers, PD Dr. Robert Moshammer, Dr. Christian Ott, and apl. Prof. Andreas Wolf). The group of Andreas Wolf will be held online to allow students not being present in Heidelberg to attend the tutorials. The problem sets will be prepared by Dr. Gerhard Zürn. Please inscribe to the work groups via PhÜ under https://uebungen.physik.uni-heidelberg.de/v/1450). Here you will also find the weekly problem sets, which will be electronically distributed on Wednesdays after the lecture. These problem sets have to be handed by Tuesday next week and will then be discussed online with the mentors during the respective tutorials.

It is great to see you all back in person in the classroom! And we sincerely hope that you will enjoy the course on one of the fastest growing and most exciting fields of modern physics as much as I do. Get engaged and have fun!

Practice groups

  • Group 1 (Christian Ott)
    7 participants
    INF 227 / SR 2.403, Fri 09:15 - 11:00
  • Group 2 (Alexander Dorn)
    9 participants
    INF 227 / CIP-Pool KIP 1.401, Fri 11:15 - 13:00
  • Group 4 (Lauriane Chomaz)
    11 participants
    INF 227 / SR 3.402, Thu 11:15 - 13:00
  • Group 5 (Jörg Evers)
    17 participants
    INF 227 / SR 2.402, Thu 09:00 - 11:00
  • Group 6 (Andreas Wolf - online course - )
    7 participants
    - online course - , Thu 09:15 - 11:00
Tutorial on Advanced Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics
winter term 2021/2022
Ott Dorn Moshammer Chomaz Evers Wolf
Link zum LSF
51 participants