Quantum computing and quantum information
Lecturer: PD Dr. Martin Gärttner
Link to LSF
75 participants
This lecture gives an introduction to topics related to quantum computing and quantum information theory. Video material will be complemented by homework exercises, including programming exercises, and tutorial sessions.
Lecture outline and videos
Here is an outline of the lecture, as planned so far. Note that this is not a final plan and might be adapted to the participants' needs and interests.
Part I: Ideal Quantum Computers
Week 1: The quantum circuit model
- Qubits https://youtu.be/2wvbZBqE7Cs
- Single-qubit gates https://youtu.be/eZvnFbYQ-0M
- Entangling gates https://youtu.be/G3CHrNqMWCc
Relevant literature:
Nielsen and Chuang, Chapters 2 and 4
Week 2: Introduction to computational complexity and quantum algorithms
- Classical and quantum computational complexity https://youtu.be/vyfoLrh-qJY
- Quantum algorithms: The Deutsch-Jozsa as a showcase https://youtu.be/RwEPurtxueM
Relevant literature:
Nielsen and Chuang Chapters 3.2, 4.5.5, and 1.4.
Lecture 13 of John Preskill’s course
Week 3: The quantum Fourier transform and its applications
- Factoring Problem and RSA https://youtu.be/RG82bG3Mn_I
- Quantum Fourier transform and phase estimation https://youtu.be/A0jeSF1G5xQ
- Order finding and Shor’s factoring algorithm https://youtu.be/jmXCP5pizBg
Relevant literature:
Nielsen and Chuang Chapters 5.1-5.3
John Preskill’s lecture 14 and 15 and corresponding lecture notes
There are pretty good Wikipedia pages about RSA and the Shor algorithm
Week 4: Grover search and quantum simulation
- Grover search https://youtu.be/QstiMiwb3ms
- Quantum simulation https://youtu.be/rQnrpQ5NrdY
Relevant literature:
Nielsen and Chuang Chapters 4.7 and 6.1
Week 5: Quantum annealing and hybrid quantum-classical algorithms
- Adiabatic quantum computing https://youtu.be/F1KChfnFWM0
- Variational quantum algorithms: QAOA and VQE https://youtu.be/Dq2ORF-ARwY
Relevant literature:
Adiabatic Quantum Computation is Equivalent to Standard Quantum Computation: D. Aharonov et al, SIAM Journal of Computing 37, 166-194 (2007)
Ising formulations of many NP problems, A. Lucas, Front. Phys. 2, 00005 (2014)
A Quantum Adiabatic Evolution Algorithm Applied to Random Instances of an NP-Complete Problem: E.Farhi et al., Science 292, 472-475 (2001)
Adiabatic Quantum Search in Open Systems, D. S. Wild et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, (2016)
Wolfgang Lechner KITP talk 2016: https://online.kitp.ucsb.edu/online/synquant-c16/lechner/
A Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm: E. Farhi et al., https://arxiv.org/abs/1411.4028
Quantum Chemistry Calculations on a Trapped-Ion Quantum Simulator: C. Hempel et al., Phys. Rev. X 8, 031022 (2018)
Part II: Real Quantum Computers
Week 6: Quantum computing hardware
- DiVincenzo criteria, Quantum computing with supecondicting qubits https://youtu.be/1hbMX9f0AYQ
- Quantum computing with trapped ions https://youtu.be/lNDptOsN5ls
Erratum: The Molmer Sorensen gate also couples the states 01 and 10 with each other (different from what is claimed in the second video), for details see the original publication listed below.
Relevant literature:
A Quantum Engineer’s Guide to Superconducting Qubits: arXiv:1904.06560
Quantum Computation with Ions in Thermal Motion, Anders Sørensen and Klaus Mølmer. Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, 1971 – Published 1 March 1999
Quantum computing with trapped ions, H.Häffner, C. F. Roos, R. Blatt, Phys. Rep. 469, 155 (2008)
Nielsen and Chuang, Chapter 7.6
Weeks 7+8: Density matrices and quantum channels
- The density matrix https://youtu.be/60u7gNAm1fg
- Lindblad Master equation and spontaneous emission https://youtu.be/J9QgAx5JXNs
- Quantum channels https://youtu.be/_3rGWqIMFtU
Relevant literature:
Nielsen and Chuang Chapters 2.4 and 8.
Week 9: Quantum error correction
- Preliminaries: Error models, quantum fidelity, classical error correction https://youtu.be/1p0wr4RrjzA
- Examples and general principles of error correcting codes https://youtu.be/IH-oy8bg2G0
Relevant Literature:
Nielsen and Chuang Chapters 10.1-10.3
Week 10: Stabilizer formalism and Fault tolerant quantum computing
- Stabilizer formalism, Gottesmann-Knill theorem, and randomized benchmarking https://youtu.be/XGGG4P8EFm8
- Fault tolerant quantum computing https://youtu.be/-TUuZiyJ09M
Relevant literature:
Nielsen and Chuang Chapters 10.4-10.6
Part III: Quantum Information Theory
Week 11: Classical and quantum entropy
- Classical entropy https://youtu.be/m1mOY6wTaBc
- Quantum entropy https://youtu.be/FLgN6c4ads4
Relevant literature: Nielsen and Chuang Chapter 11
Week 12: Pure state entanglement and non-classicality
- Schmidt decomposition and purifications https://youtu.be/VKOhZdjoiSE
- EPR paradox and Bell inequalities https://youtu.be/5xEYPCcwpYs
Relevant Literature:
Nielsen and Chuang Chapters 2.5, 2.6, 11.4.1
Original literature on EPR and Bell (see slides)
Week 13: Mixed state entanglement, entanglement measures
- Mixed state entanglement, LOCC, and entanglement measures https://youtu.be/7zyU2JCZiJs
Relevant literature:
Quantum entanglement, Ryszard Horodecki, Pawel Horodecki, Michal Horodecki, Karol Horodecki, https://arxiv.org/abs/quant-ph/0702225
Week 14: Entanglement detection
- Entanglement witnesses and inseparability criteria, Bounds on entanglement measures https://youtu.be/Yb47Syxx0UQ
Relevant literature:
Entanglement detection, Otfried Gühne, Geza Toth, https://arxiv.org/abs/0811.2803
Exercise sheets
- Problem set 1
- Problem set 2
- Problem set 3
- Problem set 4
- Problem set 5
- Problem set 6
- Problem set 7/8
- Problem Set 9
- Problem Set 10
- Problem Set 11
- Problem set 12
- Problem set 13
Practice groups
- Group 2 (Adrian Braemer)
42 participants
online on zoom, Thu 14:15 - 16:00 - Group 1 (Oliver Stockdale)
33 participants
online on zoom, Wed 16:15 - 18:00