Black holes in Physics and Astrophysics
These lectures do not require any prior knowledge in general relativity. They will emphasize intuitive concepts and observational results.
I will start by a brief introduction into GR, explain the basic physical properties of black holes (event horizon, rotation, orbits around BHs, evaporation, ...), and finally discuss BHs in astrophysics (BHs in galactic nuclei, accretion onto BHs, stellar-mass BHs, BH mergers emitting gravitational waves, ...).
Dear participants in the "Black Holes" lecture, First of all: Welcome to the course! Before the start of the teaching term, I had hoped that we could have "regular" lectures at Phil12. Now it has become apparent that this will not be possible, so the lectures will be fully virtual. Here is some pertinent information: - The lectures will take place daily on Mon 03/01 through Fri 03/05 from 09:15am to 01:00pm, with a break from 11:00am to 11:15am. - The Zoom access information is included below. - To encourage questions, the lectures will not be recorded. - The slides of the lectures will be made available on the course web page. - You can receive 2 ECTS credit points for attending the lectures, (pass/fail only; no homework or exam required). To receive credit, you have to sign up on the web page and attend 80% of the lectures. IMPORTANT: To receive credit, you have to participate in the Zoom meetings with your full name. (It is possible to set the correct name after entering.) The Zoom records will then serve as a certificate of your attendance. - Web page: For now I wish you success for the coming days, especially for exams if you have to take any. With kind regards, Andreas Quirrenbach Andreas Quirrenbach is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Lecture Black Holes Time: This is a recurring meeting Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 914 5962 9884 One tap mobile +493056795800,,91459629884# Germany +496938079883,,91459629884# Germany Dial by your location +49 30 5679 5800 Germany +49 69 3807 9883 Germany +49 695 050 2596 Germany +49 69 7104 9922 Germany Meeting ID: 914 5962 9884 Find your local number:
Practice groups
- Group 1
Lecture only (no exercises or homework)
30 participants
Virtual, - Group 2
Lecture only (no exercises or homework)
30 participants
Virtual, - Group 3
Lecture only (no exercises or homework)
28 participants
Virtual, - Group 4
Lecture only (no exercises or homework)
29 participants
Virtual, - Group 5
8 participants