Physik Aquatischer Systeme

summer term 2020
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Werner Aeschbach
Link to LSF
36 participants


Exercise sheets

Practice groups

  • Group 1 (Max Schmidt)
    36 participants
    INF 229 / SR 108/110, Mon 16:15 - 17:00

Special information for the summer term 2020


For well-known reasons, teaching in this year’s summer term will at least for a significant part of it take place in a virtual format. The approach that I plan to use in this lecture is that of an “inverted classroom”. This means that students acquire the information and knowledge presented not in the classroom but at home, working with the provided materials (videos, texts, quizzes etc.). The time of the lecture itself is used to discuss and further delve into the material, in an active exchange between students and the lecturer. Since this cannot take place in person, we will use an online conference format for that part, and similarly for the usual tutorial groups, where exercises are discussed.

The central platform for information exchange is the above given moodle page of the lecture. There you will find the material for the lectures well in advance of the scheduled lecture times. As usual, you will also find exercise sheets with problems to solve there. And of course any further information that may be needed as the lecture evolves and we gather experience with the new format.

The second central tool is heiCONF (, a new web conference service offered by the Heidelberg University Computing Centre (URZ). You will obtain links to the meetings on heiCONF via the moodle page.

Physik Aquatischer Systeme
summer term 2020
Link zum LSF
36 participants