Advanced Quantum Theory
summer term 2018
Lecturer: Priv.-Doz. Dr. Tilman Enss
Link to LSF
48 participants
Lecturer: Priv.-Doz. Dr. Tilman Enss
Link to LSF
48 participants
MVAMO2, 2L+1T, 4 CreditPoints
Lecture days and times:
Thursday, 11:15-13:00, kleiner Hörsaal, Philosophenweg 12
Additional lecture on Tuesday, May 29 (instead of June 21): 14:15-16:00, SR 1.404, INF 227
Tuesdays, every second week starting April 24.
Tue, 14:15 - 16:00: INF 227 (KIP), SR 1.404;
Tue, 16:15 - 18:00: INF 227 (KIP), SR 2.402;
Please register for the tutorials
PEP1-4, PTP1-4, in particular Quantum Mechanics (PTP4)
Preliminary contents:
- Introduction
- A brief reminder of some basics of quantum mechanics - Quantum theory of matter
- Harmonic oscillator - Identical particles - Bosons and fermions - Fock space - Spin and statistics - Interactions
- Born-Oppenheimer approximation - Potential scattering - Lippmann-Schwinger equation and Born approximation - Partial-wave expansion - Scattering cross section and optical theorem - S-matrix and scattering phase - Resonance scattering and scattering length - Time dependent scattering theory - Theory of quantum states
- Density operator - Pure states and mixed ensembles - Environment and partial trace - The measurement process - Entanglement (EPR, Bell's inequalities) - Open quantum systems
- Quantization of the electromagnetic field - Interaction of atoms with electromagnetic vacuum - The Jaynes-Cummings model - Collapse and revival - Open quantum systems - Dissipation in classical systems - Master equation - Spontaneous Emission - Decoherence
Practice groups
- Group 1 (Simone Blasi)
20 participants
INF 227 / SR 1.404, Tue 14:15 - 16:00 - Group 2 (Dr. Yi Lu)
28 participants
INF 227 / SR 2.402, Tue 16:15 - 18:00