Galaxy formation and high-energy astrophysics

summer term 2016
Lecturer: Knud Jahnke, Christoph Pfrommer
Link to LSF
5 participants
Scope: Understanding the physics of galaxy formation is arguably among the greatest problems in modern astrophysics. This Master Seminar aims to close the gap between the academic lectures on basic astrophysical processes and observational methods on the one side and cutting-edge scientific work on the other. The main aim of it is to create a vibrant atmosphere where the students can learn exciting new concepts while transporting scientific media literacy. Subject of this Master Seminar is the formation of galaxies and cluster of galaxies in general and related physical processes for their constituents: dark matter, gas, radiation, and cosmic rays. Participants will independently prepare a topic in this field, resulting in a presentation of ~35 minutes plus discussions, and the preparation of a related written report.

Key qualifications resulting from this seminar: independent preparation of a current scientific topic; oral and written presentation of scientific results

Target participants:
MSc students in physics and related areas

Prerequisites: Knowledge equivalent to lectures 'Introduction to Astronomy and Astrophysics I and II'

Topics: Hierarchical structure formation, dark matter, radiation processes, cosmic rays, stellar and black hole feedback, relativistic jets, star formation, transport physics,  plasma instabilities and others

Language: english (obviously)

eLearning: please register with access code 'galaxies'; Moodle will be used as the primary communication platform for the course

Practice groups

Galaxy formation and high-energy astrophysics
summer term 2016
Jahnke, Pfrommer
Link zum LSF
5 participants