Solving problems on quantum hardware

Wintersemester 2021/2022
Dozent: Jendrzejewski
Link zum LSF
22 Teilnehmer/innen

This is a block seminar, which will be organized together with experts from IBM-Q, we will explore the possibilities of quantum hardware like cold atom machines and IBM-Q to solve a variety of problems.

It will run during the week of October 4th to October 8th for the full day.

We will put special focus on a practical implementation of simple algorithms through the publicly available IBM-Q machine in the exercises and benchmark them with hardware, which is developed in Heidelberg. Hereby, we put the largest possible focus on a hands-on experience, where we try to support the students to solve specific problems.

The seminar is planned to be loosely based on the ideas of hackathons. As such, we have roughly planned the following schedule:

Each day has a morning session starting at 9am and an afternoon session. On Monday you will obtain an introduction into the two main platforms we would like to employ in this lecture. On Tuesday morning we discuss the proposed tools for coding, which will be most likely jupyter environments, github and python. Starting on Tuesday afternoon you have until Friday morning to work through a project in team of a few people. On Friday afternoon you will present the results in a short presentation and discuss them with the other students. During the week you will be supported by members of IBMQ and teaching stuff from our University.

Further technical points:

  • If possible, we will attempt to have the lectures and presentations in person.
  • Communication during the week will happen through a slack channel on
  • Quantum code can be run on the ibm quantum experience. Instructions for registration will follow.

The list of projects will evolve. But last years projects involved:

  • Random walks
  • Optimization
  • Quantum chemistry
  • Lattice gauge theories
  • Quantum games

Practical informations

A few things for preparing a smooth work-shop.


Work shop schedule

The schedule for the work-shop has become more precise. Here it is. More details on discussion lists, installation of packages etc will follow soon.



zum Seitenanfang
Solving problems on quantum hardware
Wintersemester 2021/2022
Link zum LSF
22 Teilnehmer/innen